Gaji naik tiada rasuah? (Utusan Malaysia)
Selagi terdapat tangan-tangan kotor yang dahagakan rasuah, gejala ini tidak akan selesai...
Business/Management Skills
Be a good Boss (New Straits Times, Malaysia)
Realise that management succeeds via the efforts of the workers. Because you are in charge does not mean you deserve all the credit for the work done....
Human Resource
Help! I Don't Get Along with My Boss (The Star, Malaysia)
Is there anything more career-deflating than a bad boss? Whether an employee is in Human Resource (HR), climbing the corporate ladder or manning the assembly line, having a direct supervisor who doesn't seem to appreciate or care for his subordinate can have a disastrous effect...
Nations asked to adopt 'five-pillar pension plan' (New Straits Times, Malaysia)
With the needs of the world's retirees in mind, the World Bank has come up with the Five-Pillar Pension System which is being recommended to all countries in their pension reform efforts...
Building Business at the Frontline (The Star, Malaysia)
However, no matter what size your business is, you need to listen to your customers, identify the challenges they have experienced with your product or service in the past, and take this data on board when planning new products and services...
Working Smart
Simplifying Your Work (New Straits Times, Malaysia)
If you are working longer hours than what you are being paid for, it is time to reassess why...