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LATEST CASES (ILR Issue 3 of 2011) | |||
SUBJECT INDEX ADMINISTRATIVE LAW Dismissal from service - Dismissal of Bank Negara Malaysia temporary
worker - Worker subject to BNM contract of employment - Whether worker a
public officer - Whether protection and benefits under Public Officers (Conduct
and Discipline) (Chapter "D") General Orders 1980 applicable - Federal Constitution,
art. 132 Judicial review - Statutory body - Decision of Minister not to
refer representation on dismissal to Industrial Court for adjudication -
Whether decision justified in view of reinstatement offer made - Industrial
Relations Act 1967, s. 20(3) Public servants - Dismissal of Bank Negara Malaysia temporary
worker - Worker subject to BNM contract of employment - Whether worker a
public officer - Whether protection and benefits under Public Officers (Conduct
and Discipline) (Chapter "D") General Orders 1980 - Federal Constitution,
art. 132 CIVIL PROCEDURE Appeal - New points, introduction of - In what circumstances may
such points be raised - Raising of new point would result in allowing new
line of defence or plea without hearing fresh evidence - Prejudicial to
opponent - New point not allowed CONSTITUTIONAL LAW Public servants - Dismissal of Bank Negara Malaysia temporary
worker - Worker subject to BNM contract of employment - Whether worker a
public officer - Whether protection and benefits under Public Officers (Conduct
and Discipline) (Chapter "D") General Orders 1980 applicable to worker -
Federal Constitution, art. 132 DISMISSAL Attendance - Lateness - Claimant habitually late - Whether the
company had warned her of it - Evidence adduced by the company - Whether
proven by the company - Effect of - Company not taking any action until
almost a year later - Whether the company had condoned the claimant’s habitual
lateness - Effect of - Whether dismissal without just cause and excuse -
Industrial Relations Act 1967, s. 20(3) Breach of company rules and policies - Dishonesty - Claimant’s
defence - Evidence adduced by the claimant - Effect of - Claimant’s position
in the respondent company - Whether his behaviour had been unbecoming of
his position in the respondent company - Effect of - Whether the company
had proven the misconduct against the claimant - Evidence adduced - Effect
of - Whether the company had been right in dismissing the claimant - Effect
of - Whether dismissal without just cause or excuse - Industrial Relations
Act 1967, s. 20(3) Breach of company rules and policies - Dishonesty - Claimant failing
to adhere to the respondent’s management guide - Evidence adduced by the
company - Whether proven - Effect of - Claimant dismissed from service -
Claimant alleging that the company’s decision to terminate him had been
unjust - Whether proven by the claimant - Effect of - Whether dismissal
without just cause and excuse - Industrial Relations Act 1967 Breach of company rules and policies - Theft - Claimants suspected
of theft - Claimants charged with theft in the Magistrates Court - Whether
the proceedings in the Magistrate Court and the Industrial Court had been
independent of one another - Effect of - Evidence adduced by the company
- Effect of - Whether the company had proven the misconduct against the
claimants - Whether a suspicion of a commission of a misconduct had been
sufficient - Effect of - Whether the company had been right in dismissing
the claimants - Effect of - Whether dismissal without just cause or excuse
- Industrial Relations Act 1967, s. 20(3) Constructive dismissal - Re-designation of the claimant’s job
- Job functions of the claimant in her new designation - Whether it had
been a demotion - Claimant’s salary and terms and conditions of employment
remaining the same - Perusal of - Effect of - Claimant not consulted - Effect
of - Company’s prerogative to re-designate - Whether it had been done bona fide - Evidence adduced by
the claimant - Effect of - Claimant no longer having subordinates reporting
to her - Effect of - Whether the company by its conduct had evinced an intention
to no longer be bound by the contract of employment - Effect of - Whether
the claimant had successfully proven constructive dismissal - Whether dismissal
without just cause or excuse - Industrial Relations Act 1967, ss. 20(3)
& 30(5) Constructive dismissal - Re-designation of the claimant’s job
- Reasons put forward by the company - Evidence adduced by the company -
Whether their reasons had been made out - Effect of - Company’s conduct
towards the claimant - Whether the company had shown an intention to no
longer be bound by the claimant’s contract of employment - Industrial Relations
Act 1967 Constructive dismissal - Salary - Claimant charged with misconduct
and subsequently dismissed from service - Claimant claiming constructive
dismissal before receiving termination letter - Effect of - Whether it had
amounted to a breach which had gone to the root of the contract - Whether
dismissal without just cause or excuse - Industrial Relations Act 1967,
s. 20(3) Constructive dismissal - Salary - Company suspending the claimant
on charges of misconduct and failing to pay his salary - Claimant walking
out on constructive dismissal - Whether the company’s actions had been reasonable
- Effect of - Whether there had been a fundamental breach of the terms of
employment by the company - Whether dismissal without just cause or excuse
- Industrial Relations Act 1967, s. 20(3) Insubordination - Claimants instigating and inciting company workers
to picket - Claimants told to desist by the police and their superiors -
Claimants disregarding instructions - Effect of - Whether their behaviour
had been willful - Whether their disobedience to their superiors instructions
had evinced an intention to no longer be bound by their contract of employment
- Evidence adduced by the claimants and the company - Whether the misconducts
had been proven against the claimants - Effect of - Whether dismissal without
just cause or excuse - Industrial Relations Act 1967, s. 20(3) Insubordination - Claimants raising their voices and being disrespectful
to their superiors - Effect of - Whether the company had managed to establish
the misconducts against the claimants - Evidence adduced by the company
- Whether sufficient to satisfy its burden of proof - Effect of - Whether
dismissal without just cause or excuse - Industrial Relations Act 1967,
s. 20(3) Misconduct - Circulation of pornographic e-mail to some company
staff and third parties - Contents of the e-mail - Whether it had tarnished
the image of the company in the face of third parties - Effect of - Evidence
adduced by the company - Whether it had been sufficient to prove the claimants
misconduct against the company - Effect of - Whether the relationship of
trust and confidence between the parties had been destroyed - Effect of
- Whether dismissal without just cause or excuse - Industrial Relations
Act 1967, s. 20(3) Misconduct - Circulation of pornographic e-mail to some company
staff and third parties - Defences put forward by the claimant - Whether
it had amounted to a technical defence - Effect of - Whether the claimant
had been able to substantiate his defences with the necessary proof - Effect
of - Whether the claimant had committed the misconduct - Evidence adduced
by the company - Effect of - Whether dismissal without just cause or excuse
- Industrial Relations Act 1967, s. 20(3) Misconduct - Claimant conducting personal business during office
hours - What the claimant’s working hours had been - Perusal of the claimant’s
contract of employment - Whether her break times had been stipulated - Effect
of - Position held by the claimant in the company - Claimant being reprimanded
by COW1 - How the claimant had reacted to it - Effect of - Whether the charge
had been proven by the company - Evidence adduced by the company - Effect
of - Whether dismissal without just cause or excuse - Industrial Relations
Act 1967, s. 20(3) Misconduct - Claimant sending and receiving personal e-mails during
office hours - Evidence adduced by the company - Effect of -Whether the
e-mail had been sent during office hours - Whether there had been any way
to show that it had been sent during office hours - Claimant using the company’s
laptop - Effect of - Whether the charge had been proven by the company -
Whether COW1’s evidence could be considered expert evidence on the matter
- Qualifications of COW1 - Effect of - Whether dismissal without just cause
or excuse - Industrial Relations Act 1967, s. 20(3) Misconduct - Claimant using the company handphone for personal
matters - Whether the charge had been proven by the company - Evidence adduced
by the company - Effect of - Whether dismissal without just cause or excuse
- Industrial Relations Act 1967, s. 20(3) Misconduct - Whether proven by the company - Effect of - Claimant
lodging a complaint with the IRD - Company offering to pay the claimant
3 months’ salary in return for her withdrawing her complaint with the IRD
- 2 months’ salary paid in good faith by the company - Whether that had
estopped the claimant from pursuing her claim in the Industrial Court -
Effect of - Whether dismissal without just cause or excuse - Industrial
Relations Act 1967, s. 20(3) Performance - Company alleging that claimant not performing -
Whether proven by the company - Effect of - Whether the claimant had been
given any warnings or counselling - Evidence adduced by the company - Effect
of - Claimant given a confirmation letter - Effect of - Whether the company
had proven the claimant’s non performance - Whether dismissal without just
cause and excuse - Industrial Relations Act 1967 Probationer - Claimant put on probation for 3 months - Claimant
given a confirmation letter but failing to accept - Effect of - Contents
of the confirmation letter - What the company’s intentions had been - Company’s
treatment of the claimant during her tenure of service - Effect of - Whether
the claimant had been a probationer at the point in time of her dismissal
- Effect of - Whether dismissal without just cause or excuse - Industrial
Relations Act 1967, s. 20(3) Retrenchment - Redundancy - Claimants retrenched from the company
- Whether the company had given the claimants advance warning - Whether
the company had been under an obligation to inform the claimants - Effect
of - Whether the company’s actions were bona fide - Effect of - Whether
a redundancy situation had existed in the company - Whether proven by the
company - Whether dismissal without just cause or excuse - Industrial Relations
Act 1967, ss. 20(3) & 30(5) Retrenchment - Redundancy - Claimant retrenched - Whether the
LIFO principles had been followed - What factors needed to be considered
before undertaking a retrenchment exercise - Effect of - Evidence adduced
by the company - Actions taken by the company - Effect of - Whether the
company’s actions had shown a mala fide intent - Effect of - Whether
a redundancy situation had existed - Whether proven by the company - Whether
dismissal without just cause or excuse - Industrial Relations Act 1967,
ss. 20(3) & 30(5) Retrenchment - Redundancy - Company’s audited accounts showing
an accumulated loss carried forward - Effect of - Company reorganizing and
restructuring its business - Whether the company had undertaken cost cutting
measures - The measures taken - Whether those measures had been acceptable
- Evidence adduced by the company - Effect of - Whether the company’s actions
had been a cloak to victimize the claimants’ - Factors to consider - Effect
of - Industrial Relations Act 1967 DOMESTIC INQUIRY Charges - Whether the charges against the claimant had been reasonably
sufficient to enable him to answer them - Details of the charge - Effect
of - Industrial Relations Act 1967 Findings - Whether the rules of natural justice had been complied
with - Evidence adduced by the company - Effect of - Whether the findings
of the DI had been proper - Industrial Relations Act 1967, s. 20(3) Procedural impropriety - Claimants refusing to participate in
the DI - Reasons for the same - Effect of - Whether their actions had been
correct - Effect of Procedural impropriety - Whether there had been any bias in the
formation of the panel - Who the members of the panel had consisted of -
Effect of - Whether it had complied with the rule against bias - Industrial
Relations Act 1967 EMPLOYMENT Contract of service - Termination of services - Dismissal of Bank
Negara Malaysia temporary worker - Worker subject to BNM contract of employment
- Right to mitigate before punishment - Whether worker afforded chance to
make representation - Whether rules of natural justice could be invoked
- Whether termination justified - Whether worker entitled to relief of reinstatement EVIDENCE Documentary evidence - Computer generated documents - Whether
admissible - Effect of - Evidence Act 1950, s. 90A Documentary evidence - Findings of the DI - Claimants not participating
- Whether the findings had been perverse - Factors to consider - Effect
of Documentary evidence - Findings of the DI - Whether it had been
accurate - Claimant not challenging - Effect of - Whether dismissal without
just cause and excuse - Industrial Relations Act 1967, s. 20(3) Documentary evidence - Findings of the Domestic Inquiry - Whether
the findings had been accurate - Claimant challenging its accuracy - Effect
of - Whether there had been any basis for the claimant’s contentions - Claimant
failing to provide comparative notes - Effect of - What that meant - Effect
of - Whether dismissal without just cause or excuse - Industrial Relations
Act 1967, s. 20(3) Witnesses - Company witnesses giving oral evidence - Whether the
oral evidence had been corroborated satisfactorily - Whether the company’s
oral evidence had been corroborated by documentary evidence - Effect of
- Whether dismissal without just cause and excuse - Industrial Relations
Act 1967 Witnesses - Credibility - Testimony of the company witnesses -
Whether had any probative value - Factors to consider - Effect of Witness - What kind of witness the claimant had been - Perusal
of the claimant’s testimony at the trial - Effect of - Whether the claimant
had been an evasive witness - Type of testimony given by the claimant -
Effect of - Whether dismissal without just cause or excuse - Industrial
Relations Act 1967, s. 20(3) INDUSTRIAL COURT Jurisdiction - Whether the court had the jurisdiction to hear
the matter - Whether the claimant’s representations to the DGIR had been
made within the 60 day period as stipulated under the IRA - Effect of -
Industrial Relations Act 1967, s. 20(1A) Jurisdiction - Whether the court had jurisdiction to hear the
matter - Whether the respondent company had been a non-existent entity -
Evidence adduced - Effect of - Whether APMC had represented itself as being
the claimant’s employer - Evidence tendered by the parties - Effect of -
Industrial Relations Act 1967, ss. 20(1) & 20(3) Procedure - Action - Summons issued pursuant to s. 29(a) and (b)
of the Act - Whether it had been a fishing expedition - Effect of - Application
to set it aside - Factors to consider - Whether the summons had been an
abuse of process - Industrial Relations Act 1967, s. 29(a) & (b) Procedure - Parties - Joinder - Complainant failing to join the
employer as a party to the ministerial reference or the non-compliance proceedings
- Effect of - Whether the award bound a non party to the ministerial reference
or the non-compliance proceedings - Effect of - Industrial Relations Act
1967, s. 32(1)(a) Procedure - Parties - Joinder - Whether both limbs of the test
in Hotchtief’s case had been satisfied - Effect of - Dormant company - Effect
of - Whether joinder necessary to make adjudication enforceable and effective
- Industrial Relations Act 1967, s. 29(a) Remedies - Compensation in lieu of reinstatement - Whether suitable
to grant - Claimants were daily paid workers - Effect of - Industrial Relations
Act 1967, s. 20(3) Remedies - Reinstatement - Whether it had been appropriate to
grant under the circumstances - Lapse of 5 years since the claimant had
been dismissed - Effect of - Factors to consider LABOUR LAW Employment - Dismissal, representation on - Decision of Minister
not to refer representation to Industrial Court - Whether decision justified
in view of reinstatement offer made - Industrial Relations Act 1967, s.
20(3) Employment - Termination - Validity - Dismissal of Bank Negara
Malaysia temporary worker - Whether plaintiff a public officer - Whether
fair hearing accorded before termination - Whether employment relationship
governed by contract between parties Industrial Court - Award of dismissal - Judicial review - Industrial
Court found domestic inquiry process flawed but ruling that dismissal was
justified - Whether decision sustainable - Whether had properly applied
law to facts of case - Whether applicant truly guilty of gross misconduct NON-COMPLIANCE Award - Award made in respect of the respondent who had not been
the employer of the complainant - Effect of - Whether the respondent could
be ordered to do something it had no power or authority to do - Effect of
- What should have been done in the circumstances - Effect of - Industrial
Relations Act 1967, ss. 32(1)(a) & 56(1) Award - Respondent not the employer of the complainant - Effect
of - Who had been the complainant’s employer - Whether the complainant’s
employer had been a party to the ministerial reference - Whether the award
bound the complainant’s employer - Effect of - What should have been done
in the circumstances - Courses of action open to the complainant - Effect
of - Industrial Relations Act 1967, ss. 32(1)(a) & 56(1) Collective Agreement - Parties to the collective agreement not
made a party to this proceeding - Effect of - Whether the application had
been flawed - Effect of - Industrial Relations Act 1967, s. 56 PUBLIC SERVANTS Dismissal - Dismissal of Bank Negara Malaysia temporary worker
- Worker subject to BNM contract of employment - Whether worker a public
officer - Whether protection and benefits under Public Officers (Conduct
and Discipline) (Chapter "D") General Orders 1980 applicable to worker -
Federal Constitution, art. 132 INDEKS PERKARA KETERANGAN Saksi - Sama ada saksi-saksi syarikat dapat dipercayai - Keterangan
yang dikemukakan - Kesannya - Akta Perhubungan Perusahaan 1967, s. 30(5) KONTRAK PERKHIDMATAN Keesahannya - Kontrak 3 - Sama ada merupakan kontrak yang mengikat
antara pihak-pihak - Bukti yang dikemukakan - Kesannya - Sama ada Kontrak
3 tersebut adalah sah - Faktor-faktor yang harus dipertimbangkan - Kesannya
- Akta Perhubungan Perusahaan 1967 MAHKAMAH PERUSAHAAN Prosidur - Parti - Percantuman - Kuasa Mahkamah untuk membenarkan
percantuman - Prinsip-prinsip yang digunakan - Kesannya - Akta Perhubungan
Perusahaan 1967, s. 29(a) & Kaedah-Kaedah Mahkamah Tinggi 1980 Kaedah 15
Aturan 6 Prosidur - Parti - Percantuman - Sama ada terdapat hubung kait
antara YM dan parti-parti berkenaan - Keterangan yang dikemukakan - Kesannya
- Sama ada percantuman adalah perlu untuk menjadikan keputusan mahkamah
berkesan dan dapat dilaksanakan - Akta Perhubungan Perusahaan 1967, s. 29(a) |
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