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LLB Bulletin #6/2024 4 June 2024

LATEST CASES (ILR Issue 5 of 2024)



Judicial review – Appeal – Challenge against decision of Director General of Industrial Relations ('DGIR') – Workman found guilty of misconduct and dismissed by employer – Workman made representations to DGIR – Employer agreed to reinstate workman to former position subject to certain terms – Workman rejected reinstatement – DGIR closed representations – Whether DGIR correct in closing workman's representations without referring same to Industrial Court – Whether mandatory for DGIR to refer representations of workman to Industrial Court for award – Industrial Relations Act 1967, s. 20(1), (3) – Industrial Relations (Amendment) Act 2020 – Rules of Court 2012, O. 53
Shankarkumar Sanpathkumar v. Ketua Pengarah Jabatan Perhubungan Perusahaan
(Lee Swee Seng, Che Mohd Ruzima Ghazali & Lim Chong Fong JJCA) [2024] 2 ILR 290 cljlaw labourlaw


TrialEx parte hearing – Claim for reinstatement – Claim by employee against employer – Employer did not attend hearing to answer to employee's claim and did not file statement in reply – Whether hearing ought to proceed ex parte – Industrial Relations Act1967, s. 29(d)
Prasnth R Ramachandran v. Premiere Conferencing (M) Sdn Bhd
(Amrik Singh) [2024] 2 ILR 499 cljlaw labourlaw


Corporate veil – Separate entities – Lifting of veil among group enterprise – Whether veil of incorporation could be disregarded – One business enterprise
Goh Chii Yew v. PPES Works (Sarawak) Sdn Bhd
(Nazri Ismail) [2024] 2 ILR 374 cljlaw labourlaw


Admissibility – Audio recording – Secret recording – Employer secretly recorded meeting with employee – Employer made several accusations during meeting and employee admitted to accusations – Whether audio recording could be admitted into evidence in dismissal cases to determine fact in dispute even if illegally obtained – Industrial Relations Act 1967, ss. 20(3) & 30(5)
Jagen Manoharan v. Agarcorp Sdn Bhd
(Paramalingam J Doraisamy) [2024] 2 ILR 315 cljlaw labourlaw

Adverse inference – Non-calling of material witness – Sexual harassment at workplace – Employee found guilty of two allegations of misconduct relating to sexual harassment – Employee touched complainant's waist and shoulder – Employee dismissed from employment – Complainant did not testify in court – Whether complainant's evidence sufficiently captured in complaint lodged, investigation statements and testimony during domestic inquiry – Whether adverse inference ought to be invoked against employer for non-attendance of complainant – Evidence Act 1950, s. 114(g)
Mohd Farid Jaapar v. Nestle Manufacturing (M) Sdn Bhd
(Syed Noh Said Nazir) [2024] 2 ILR 447 cljlaw labourlaw

Judicial notice – Foul and derogatory words – 'pukimak hang' – Highly obscene words in Malay language – Evidence Act 1950, s. 56
Hanis Naz Azniza Hamzah v. Malaysia Airports Sdn Bhd
(Jeyaseelen T Anthony) [2024] 2 ILR 408 cljlaw labourlaw


Jurisdiction – Termination from employment – Representation referred to Industrial Court – Employee no longer wanted reinstatement by time of hearing as he was gainfully employed in another company – Industrial Court proceeded to inquire into reference and award damages or relief – Whether Industrial Court seized with jurisdiction – Ministerial reference – Industrial Relations Act 1967, s. 20(3)
Melipoly Enterprise Sdn Bhd v. Ong Hong Yeok & Anor
(Hanipah Farikullah, Che Mohd Ruzima Ghazali & See Mee Chun JJCA) [2024] 2 ILR 274 cljlaw labourlaw


Award – Appeal – Appeal against order of Director General of Labour – Employees complained against employer at Labour Office – Employer raised issues at Labour Office – Labour Office formulated own issues in grounds of judgment – Allegation that issues raised by employer at Labour Office not decided by Labour Office as Labour Office only responded to own-formulated issues in grounds of judgment – Whether there was settlement between parties – Whether there was shortfall of minimum wages – Whether claim time-barred – Employment Act 1955, ss. 2, 33 & 69(1)(a) – Employment (Termination and Lay-off Benefits) Regulations 1980, reg. 5
Lord WBK Haulage Sdn Bhd v. Jamaludin Ismail & Ors
(Azizan Md Arshad JC) [2024] 2 ILR 249 cljlaw labourlaw

Dismissal – Representation – Whether representation filed out of time – Whether there was extension of time given by Government of Malaysia – Temporary Measure for Reducing the Impact of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Act 2020, s. 40
Suresh Sammuggam v. Lear Automotive (M) Sdn Bhd
(Vanithamany Sivalingam) [2024] 2 ILR 433 cljlaw labourlaw

Domestic inquiry – Findings – Employee found guilty of two allegations of misconduct relating to sexual harassment – Employee touched complainant's waist and shoulder – Employee dismissed from employment – Whether punishment of termination severe – Industrial Relations Act 1967, ss. 20(3) & 30(5)
Mohd Farid Jaapar v. Nestle Manufacturing (M) Sdn Bhd
(Syed Noh Said Nazir) [2024] 2 ILR 447 cljlaw labourlaw

Employment – Dismissal – Misconduct – Conflict of interest – Failure of employee to disclose that he was director of another company – Employee performed service which legitimately belonged to employer – Employee carried out services in direct competition with employer – Whether misconduct proven – Whether dismissal with just cause or excuse – Industrial Relations Act 1967, ss. 20(3) & 30(5)
Jagen Manoharan v. Agarcorp Sdn Bhd
(Paramalingam J Doraisamy) [2024] 2 ILR 315 cljlaw labourlaw

Employment – Dismissal – Misconduct – Contributory misconduct – Insubordination – Uttering foul language to and physically pushing higher-ranking officer – Employee dismissed from employment – Whether serious misconduct that warranted dismissal – Whether punishment of dismissal too harsh and severe – Whether dismissal with just cause or excuse – Whether reinstatement appropriate remedy – Industrial Relations Act 1967, ss. 20(3) & 30(5)
Hanis Naz Azniza Hamzah v. Malaysia Airports Sdn Bhd
(Jeyaseelen T Anthony) [2024] 2 ILR 408 cljlaw labourlaw

Employment – Dismissal – Misconduct – Punishment – Proportionality – Employee disregarded the employer's directions via the Board of Directors to provide updates – Claimant dismissed from employment – Whether alleged misconduct established – Whether there was unfair dismissal – Whether punishment of dismissal proportionate to gravity of alleged misconduct – Whether dismissal with just cause or excuse – Industrial Relations Act 1967, ss. 20(3) & 30(5)
Goh Chii Yew v. PPES Works (Sarawak) Sdn Bhd
(Nazri Ismail) [2024] 2 ILR 374 cljlaw labourlaw

Employment – Dismissal – Misconduct – Sexual harassment – Employee found guilty of two allegations of misconduct relating to sexual harassment – Employee touched complainant's waist and shoulder – Employee dismissed from employment – Whether there was physical harassment – Whether touch accidental and spontaneous – Whether findings of domestic inquiry perverse and devoid of legal and factual basis – Whether punishment of termination severe – Industrial Relations Act 1967, ss. 20(3) & 30(5)
Mohd Farid Jaapar v. Nestle Manufacturing (M) Sdn Bhd
(Syed Noh Said Nazir) [2024] 2 ILR 447 cljlaw labourlaw

Employment – Dismissal – Probationer – Poor performance – Probationer placed under probation for role of Assistant Manager in Group Human Capital Department – Probationer not confirmed in employment due allegations of poor performance and below average rating – Whether probationer had performed below expectation – Whether there was review or appraisal of probationer's performance – Whether probationer informed of areas of weakness – Whether properly documented – Whether there was unfair labour practice and victimisation – Whether employer acted in bad faith – Industrial Relations Act 1967, ss. 20(3) & 30 (5), (6A)
Sharifah Rozaitul Akma Syed Zahir v. UITM Holdings Sdn Bhd
(Augustine Anthony) [2024] 2 ILR 476 cljlaw labourlaw

Employment – Dismissal – Probationer – Probationer placed under probation for role of Assistant Manager in Group Human Capital Department – Probationer persistently raised matters of indiscipline of employees – Probationer transferred to Group Chief Operating Officer's office with no reasons proffered – Probationer not given any job description and left with little or no work to be carried out – Probationer not confirmed in employment due allegations of poor performance and below average rating – Whether dismissal with just cause or excuse – Industrial Relations Act 1967, ss. 20(3) & 30 (5), (6A)
Sharifah Rozaitul Akma Syed Zahir v. UITM Holdings Sdn Bhd
(Augustine Anthony) [2024] 2 ILR 476 cljlaw labourlaw

Employment – Dismissal – Reinstatement – Rejection of reinstatement – Workman found guilty of misconduct and dismissed by employer – Workman made representations to Director General of Industrial Relations ('DGIR') – Employer agreed to reinstate workman to former position subject to certain terms – Workman rejected reinstatement – DGIR closed representations – Whether DGIR correct in closing workman's representations without referring same to Industrial Court – Whether mandatory for DGIR to refer representations of workman to Industrial Court for award – Industrial Relations Act 1967, s. 20(1), (3) – Industrial Relations (Amendment) Act 2020
Shankarkumar Sanpathkumar v. Ketua Pengarah Jabatan Perhubungan Perusahaan
(Lee Swee Seng, Che Mohd Ruzima Ghazali & Lim Chong Fong JJCA) [2024] 2 ILR 290 cljlaw labourlaw

Employment – Dismissal – Unfair dismissal – Claim – Employee admitted to hospital due to acute ischemic stroke, hypertension, and diabetes – Employee utilised medical leaves – Employee medically unfit to resume work duties – Employee applied for invalidity pension scheme after resignation – Whether there was unfair dismissal – Industrial Relations Act, ss. 20(3) & 30(5)
Ooi Soon Beng v. UCSI Education Sdn Bhd
(Eswary Maree) [2024] 2 ILR 391 cljlaw labourlaw

Employment – Termination – Retrenchment – Employee retrenched from employment – Letter of termination stated that employee retrenched due to prevailing economic recession and prolonged period of poor sales revenue – Employer cited unsatisfactory performance, conflict of interest and sexual harassment as reasons for termination in court – Whether employer could rely on reasons not stated in letter of termination – Whether retrenchment bona fide – Whether termination with just cause or excuse
Melipoly Enterprise Sdn Bhd v. Ong Hong Yeok & Anor
(Hanipah Farikullah, Che Mohd Ruzima Ghazali & See Mee Chun JJCA) [2024] 2 ILR 274 cljlaw labourlaw

Employment – Unlawful dismissal – Claimant worked for Malaysian company before relocating to related-company in China – Claimant entered into contract of employment with company in China – Claimant told by company in China that contract of employment not extended – Claimant signed termination agreement and returned to Malaysia and reported for work with Malaysian employer – Claimant told that there was no available position and employment with Malaysian company ceased when he entered into contract of employment with company in China – Whether there was dismissal – Industrial Relations Act 1967, s. 20(3)
Suresh Sammuggam v. Lear Automotive (M) Sdn Bhd
(Vanithamany Sivalingam) [2024] 2 ILR 433 cljlaw labourlaw

Retrenchment – Redundancy – Employee notified by employer of its intention to sell off part of business – Employee informed that his employment would not be affected and his work scope would be discussed – Employee later told that his position was to be made redundant – Employee issued with notice of retrenchment emphasising on his ineligibility for any retrenchment payments under labour law – Whether employer's action and notice of retrenchment lawful – Whether employee wrongfully and/or unlawfully terminated – Whether retrenchment bona fide – Industrial Relations Act 1967, ss. 20(3), 29(d) & 30(5)
Prasnth R Ramachandran v. Premiere Conferencing (M) Sdn Bhd
(Amrik Singh) [2024] 2 ILR 499 cljlaw labourlaw



Pekerjaan – Penamatan – Pekerja berkhidmat sebagai Pengawal Keselamatan – Majikan menamatkan perkhidmatan pekerja tanpa memberi alasan kukuh – Sama ada pemecatan kerja pihak menuntut adalah dengan sebab atau alasan yang adil – Akta Perhubungan Perusahaan 1967, ss. 20(3) & 29
Amboo M Angamuthu lwn. RPV Gold Global Sdn Bhd
(Paramalingam J Doraisamy) [2024] 2 ILR 365 cljlaw labourlaw

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