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LLB Bulletin #4/2024 4 April 2024

LATEST CASES (ILR Issue 3 of 2024)



Judicial review – Application for – Challenge against decision of Director General of Industrial Relations (‘DGIR’) – Applicant found guilty of misconduct and dismissed by company – Applicant made representations to DGIR – Employer agreed to reinstate applicant to former position with payment of backwages from date of dismissal – Applicant rejected reinstatement – DGIR closed representations – Whether DGIR correct in closing applicant’s representations without referring same to Industrial Court – Industrial Relations Act 1967, s. 20(1) & (2) – Rules of Court 2012, O. 53
Shankarkumar Sanpathkumar lwn. Ketua Pengarah Jabatan Perhubungan Perusahaan
(Amarjeet Singh Serjit Singh) [2024] 1 ILR 494 cljlaw labourlaw

Judicial review – Application for – Judicial review against decision of Industrial Court – Bank filed trade dispute against applicant – Dispute premised upon media posting – Bank sought Industrial Court to order applicant to cease and desist from, and strike down, media posting – Industrial Court dismissed applicant’s application to strike off bank’s action – Whether questions of fact must be dealt with and taken into account before full award could be handed down – Whether there were questions of fact to be determined – Whether matter should be disposed of on question of law – Whether s. 22(1) of Trade Unions Act 1959 applied – Whether bank’s claim should not have been entertained and ought to have been struck off
National Union Of Bank Employees lwn. Mahkamah Perusahaan, Malaysia & Anor
(Wan Ahmad Farid Wan Salleh J) [2024] 1 ILR 483 cljlaw labourlaw


Res judicata – Industrial Court – Non-compliance of collective agreement awarded through award – Salary increment – Pending matter at Industrial Court on trade dispute concerning new collective agreement – Whether res judicata applied
Kesatuan Kakitangan Ipoh Cargo Terminal Sdn Bhd v. Ipoh Cargo Terminal Sdn Bhd
(Dato’ Wan Jeffry Kassim) [2024] 1 ILR 522 cljlaw labourlaw


Procedure – Dismissal claims against wound-up company – Winding up – Voluntary winding up – Leave – Company wound up due to closure of business – Liquidator issued termination letters to claimants – Companies Act 2016, s. 439(1)(b)
Mohd Ismadi Mohd Isa & Ors v. Robinson & Co (Malaya) Sdn Bhd
(Ahmad Zakhi Mohd Daud) [2024] 1 ILR 586 cljlaw labourlaw


Employment contract – Breach – Constructive dismissal – Claimant claimed to be sexually harassed by superior – No action taken against superior for alleged sexual harassment – Claimant claimed constructive dismissal on grounds that her job scope was reduced and inaction/failure of company to provide safe and conducive environment – Whether there was fundamental breach that went to root of employment contract
Chew Hui Ny v. Kwong Wah Yit Poh Press Berhad
(Rusita Md Lazim) [2024] 1 ILR 536 cljlaw labourlaw

Employment contract – Breach – Employee began pregnancy during COVID-19 pandemic – Employee unvaccinated due to pregnancy – Employee advised by consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist to work from home for remaining period of pregnancy to minimise exposure and risk of contracting COVID-19 infection – Medical advice reduced to writing and communicated to employer – Employee immediately pressured to tender resignation through series of acts and conducts orchestrated by employer – Whether there was fundamental breach of terms of employment contract
Choong Siew Fong v. Bru-Haas Sdn Bhd
(Augustine Anthony) [2024] 1 ILR 500 cljlaw labourlaw


Award – Non-compliance – Non-compliance of collective agreement awarded through award – Salary increment – Whether collective agreement had been terminated and superseded by new collective agreement – Whether there was non-compliance of collective agreement – Industrial Relations Act 1967, ss. 56(1) & (2)
Kesatuan Kakitangan Ipoh Cargo Terminal Sdn Bhd v. Ipoh Cargo Terminal Sdn Bhd
(Dato’ Wan Jeffry Kassim) [2024] 1 ILR 522 cljlaw labourlaw

Jurisdiction – Bank filed trade dispute against applicant premised upon media posting alleged to be defamatory – Whether jurisdiction of Industrial Court limited to trade disputes – Whether could include claim based purely on tortious act – Industrial Relations Act 1967, ss. 18, 26
National Union Of Bank Employees lwn. Mahkamah Perusahaan, Malaysia & Anor
(Wan Ahmad Farid Wan Salleh J) [2024] 1 ILR 483 cljlaw labourlaw


Dismissal – Retrenchment – Closure of business operations – Claimants terminated from position due to closure of company – Company wound up due to serious financial difficulties – Whether dismissal with just cause and excuse – Industrial Relations Act 1967, ss. 20(3) & 30(5)
Mohd Ismadi Mohd Isa & Ors v. Robinson & Co (Malaya) Sdn Bhd
(Ahmad Zakhi Mohd Daud) [2024] 1 ILR 586 cljlaw labourlaw

Employment – Dismissal – Constructive dismissal – Claimant claimed to be sexually harassed by superior – No action taken against superior for alleged sexual harassment – Claimant claimed constructive dismissal on grounds that her job scope was reduced and inaction/failure of company to provide safe and conducive environment was fundamental breach that went to root of employment contract – Whether there was constructive dismissal – Whether claimant voluntarily resigned – Industrial Relations Act 1967, s. 20(3)
Chew Hui Ny v. Kwong Wah Yit Poh Press Berhad
(Rusita Md Lazim) [2024] 1 ILR 536 cljlaw labourlaw

Employment – Dismissal – Constructive dismissal – Employee began pregnancy during COVID-19 pandemic – Employee unvaccinated due to pregnancy – Employee advised by consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist to work from home for remaining period of pregnancy to minimise exposure and risk of contracting COVID-19 infection – Medical advice reduced to writing and communicated to employer – Employee immediately pressured to tender resignation through series of acts and conducts orchestrated by employer – Whether there was constructive dismissal – Whether employer’s conduct significantly breached essence of employment contract – Whether employer no longer intended to be bound terms of employment contract – Whether reinstatement proper remedy – Industrial Relations Act 1967, ss. 20(3), 30(5) & 30(6A)
Choong Siew Fong v. Bru-Haas Sdn Bhd
(Augustine Anthony) [2024] 1 ILR 500 cljlaw labourlaw

Employment – Dismissal – Misconduct – Dishonesty to employer – Falsifying information, misrepresentation, deceiving and cheating – Employer involved in food industry – Employer received complaints on wrong expiry date on kwik-loks – Employer instructed employee to investigate on complaint – Employee instructed subordinate to replace wrongly printed kwik-loks dates with newly printed ones to give false impression that there was no mistake – Matter came to light and employee dismissed from employment – Whether misconduct complained of by employer had been established – Whether proven misconduct constituted just cause or excuse for dismissal – Industrial Relations Act, s. 20(3) & 30(5
Poonjelian Chandran v. Sunshine Bread Sdn Bhd
(Eswary Maree) [2024] 1 ILR 667 cljlaw labourlaw

Employment – Dismissal – Misconduct – Employee faced four allegations of misconduct – Issues with superior – Quarrelling, arguing, lying, refusing to follow instructions and using bad and abusive words – Employee given ample opportunity but failed to improve himself – Whether acts of misconduct proven – Whether dismissal with just cause or excuse – Industrial Relations Act 1967, ss. 20(3) & 30(5
Yen Chee Foh v. Nabati Food Malaysia Sdn Bhd
(Indra Ayub) [2024] 1 ILR 644 cljlaw labourlaw

Employment – Dismissal – Reinstatement – Rejection of reinstatement – Applicant found guilty of misconduct and dismissed by company – Applicant made representations to Director General of Industrial Relations (‘DGIR’) – Employer agreed to reinstate applicant to former position with payment of backwages from date of dismissal – Applicant rejected reinstatement – DGIR closed representations – Whether DGIR correct in closing applicant’s representations without referring same to Industrial Court – Industrial Relations Act 1967, s. 20(1) & (2)
Shankarkumar Sanpathkumar lwn. Ketua Pengarah Jabatan Perhubungan Perusahaan
(Amarjeet Singh Serjit Singh) [2024] 1 ILR 494 cljlaw labourlaw

Employment – Dismissal – Unfair dismissal – Claim – Employee involved in workplace accident and given medical leave for total period of 102 days – Employee utilised annual and emergency leaves – Employer terminated employee’s employment as employee was unfit for duty and unable to carry out contractual duties that he had been employed for – Parties reconciled and employee reinstated employee to former position – Employee delayed response to employer’s reinstatement and did not attend work – Whether there was unfair dismissal – Whether reinstatement to former position nullified dismissal – Whether it was employee who failed to report for work – Industrial Relations Act , ss. 20(3) & 30(5)
Moorthi Patchai v. Sigma Water Engineering (M) Sdn Bhd
(Zulhelmy Hasan) [2024] 1 ILR 686 cljlaw labourlaw

Employment – Dismissal – Unfair dismissal – Employee faced four allegations of misconduct – Issues with superior – Quarrelling, arguing, lying, refusing to follow instructions and using bad and abusive words – Employee given ample opportunity but failed to improve himself – Whether there was workplace unfair treatment intended to induce employee to voluntarily resign – Whether dismissal with just cause or excuse – Industrial Relations Act 1967, ss. 20(3) & 30(5)
Yen Chee Foh v. Nabati Food Malaysia Sdn Bhd
(Indra Ayub) [2024] 1 ILR 644 cljlaw labourlaw

Social security – Workplace accident – Temporary disability benefit – Employee involved in workplace accident and given medical leave for total period of 102 days – Employee received salary from employer while under long period of medical leave and at same time received temporary disability benefit from Social Security Organisation (‘SOCSO’) – Whether employee entitled to salary from employer while receiving benefits from SOCSO – Whether there was unjust enrichment – Employment Act 1955, s. 60F(4) – Employees’ Social Security (General) Regulations 1971, r. 109
Moorthi Patchai v. Sigma Water Engineering (M) Sdn Bhd
(Zulhelmy Hasan) [2024] 1 ILR 686 cljlaw labourlaw


Collective agreement – Articles – Disputes – Dispute on duration and termination of agreement, hours of work, retirement benefit, bonus, annual increment/incremental date, principle governing salary conversion, Friday prayers and salary scale – Whether proposals by Trade Union ought to be accepted – Industrial Relations Act 1967, ss. 26(1) & 30(4), (5) & (7)
Kesatuan Pekerja-pekerja Perusahaan Logam v Yokowo Electronics (M) Sdn Bhd
(Rusita Md Lazim) [2024] 1 ILR 565 cljlaw labourlaw

Collective agreement – Non-compliance – Non-compliance of collective agreement awarded through award – Salary increment – Whether collective agreement had been terminated and superseded by new collective agreement – Whether there was non-compliance of collective agreement – Industrial Relations Act 1967, ss. 56(1) & (2)
Kesatuan Kakitangan Ipoh Cargo Terminal Sdn Bhd v. Ipoh Cargo Terminal Sdn Bhd
(Dato’ Wan Jeffry Kassim) [2024] 1 ILR 522 cljlaw labourlaw


‘special circumstances’ – Industrial Relations Act 1967, s. 56(2) – Power of Industrial Court to make such order as it considers desirable to vary or set aside any term of award or collective agreement upon ‘special circumstances’ – Whether financial difficulties or financial struggle considered as ‘special circumstances’
Kesatuan Kakitangan Ipoh Cargo Terminal Sdn Bhd v. Ipoh Cargo Terminal Sdn Bhd
(Dato’ Wan Jeffry Kassim) [2024] 1 ILR 522 cljlaw labourlaw

‘suit’ – Trade Unions Act 1959, s. 22(1) – Whether includes any Ministerial reference to Industrial Court under s. 26(2) of Industrial Relations Act 1967
National Union Of Bank Employees lwn. Mahkamah Perusahaan, Malaysia & Anor
(Wan Ahmad Farid Wan Salleh J) [2024] 1 ILR 483 cljlaw labourlaw



Kontrak perkhidmatan – Terma dan syarat – Pelanggaran – Pihak menuntut dilantik sebagai Imam untuk menunaikan solat berjemaah lima waktu di masjid – Sama ada penamatan perkhidmatan pihak menuntut dibuat secara adil – Sama ada tindakan majikan menamatkan perkhidmatan tidak wajar serta tanpa sebab atau alasan munasabah
Abdulhakim Fakhruddeen Muhamad Ridzuan lwn. Masjid Puncak Alam
(Vanithamany Sivalingam) [2024] 1 ILR 632 cljlaw labourlaw


Bank dan perniagaan bank – Tatacara pengendalian piawai – Pemprosesan transaksi – Aduan pelanggan tentang transaksi-transaksi yang tidak dibenarkan – Pekerja bank ditamatkan perkhidmatan berikutan salah laku – Kegagalan pekerja memastikan adanya pengesahan biometrik sebelum transaksi dilaksanakan – Sama ada bank telah menyediakan garis panduan/ tatacara pengendalian piawai tentang kaedah pemprosesan transaksi yang sewajarnya
Siti Farhana Adnan v. Al Raxjhi Banking & Investment Corporation (Malaysia) Bhd
(Mohd Zulbahrin Zainuddin) [2024] 1 ILR 598 cljlaw labourlaw


Res judicata – Sama ada prinsip res judicata terpakai – Tindakan – Perkhidmatan – Penamatan – Pemberhentian kerja – Sama ada syarikat telah bertindak secara bona fide – Faktor-faktor yang harus diambil kira – Keterangan yang dikemukakan – Sama ada penamatan perkhidmatan pihak menuntut dibuat secara adil
Hafizal Hassim lwn. CTL Piling & Construction Works Sdn Bhd
(Tengku Amir Zaki Tengku Abdul Rahman) [2024] 1 ILR 620 cljlaw labourlaw


Pekerjaan – Penamatan – Pihak menuntut bertugas sebagai Imam – Pihak menuntut ditamatkan perkhidmatan – Sama ada terdapat penamatan – Sama ada penamatan perkhidmatan pihak menuntut dibuat secara adil – Sama ada tindakan majikan menamatkan perkhidmatan tidak wajar serta tanpa sebab atau alasan munasabah – Akta Perhubungan Perusahaan 1967, s. 20(3)
Abdulhakim Fakhruddeen Muhamad Ridzuan lwn. Masjid Puncak Alam
(Vanithamany Sivalingam) [2024] 1 ILR 632 cljlaw labourlaw

Pekerjaan – Penamatan perkhidmatan – Industri perbankan – Salah laku – Aduan pelanggan tentang transaksi-transaksi yang tidak dibenarkan – Kegagalan pihak menuntut memastikan adanya pengesahan biometrik sebelum transaksi dilaksanakan – Pihak menuntut ditamatkan perkhidmatan – Sama ada penamatan perkhidmatan pihak menuntut dibuat atas sebab dan alasan adil – Akta Perhubungan Perusahaan 1967, ss. 20(3) & 30(5)
Siti Farhana Adnan v. Al Rajhi Banking & Investment Corporation (Malaysia) Bhd
(Mohd Zulbahrin Zainuddin) [2024] 1 ILR 598 cljlaw labourlaw

Pihak menuntut pemandu jentera – Pihak menuntut diberhentikan kerja atas alasan pengurangan pekerja – Kemerosotan ekonomi – Sama ada syarikat telah bertindak secara bona fide – Faktor-faktor yang harus diambil kira – Keterangan yang dikemukakan – Sama ada penamatan perkhidmatan pihak menuntut dibuat secara adil – Akta Perhubungan Perusahaan 1967, s. 20(3) & Akta Pekerja 1955, ss. 20 dan 69
Hafizal Hassim lwn. CTL Piling & Construction Works Sdn Bhd
(Tengku Amir Zaki Tengku Abdul Rahman) [2024] 1 ILR 620 cljlaw labourlaw

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