BULLETIN 02/2021

LATEST CASES (ILR Issue 1 of 2021)



Terms and conditions – Resignation – Claimant stating "I resign" – Reasons for the same – Whether it had constituted a verbal resignation – Factors to consider – Evidence adduced – Effect of – Company's actions towards him – What it had shown – Whether he had been under duress and undue influence when he had stated he resigned verbally – Whether the company, by its actions had forced him to resign – Effect of – Whether the company had been in breach of its obligations towards him – Whether he had been dismissed by the company – Whether dismissal without just cause and excuse
Paat Yuk Cheong v. Sealink Sdn Bhd
(Ani Ak Solep) [2021] 1 ILR 231 cljlaw labourlaw

Terms and conditions – Resignation – Claimant tendering her resignation – Claimant failing to state that she had been constructively dismissed therein – Her actions thereafter – What it had shown – Factors to consider – Effect of – Whether she had condoned the company's delay of her salary payments – Her remarks in the Exit Interview Form – What it had shown – Whether she had discharged her burden of proving constructive dismissal
Masitah Mohamad v. University College Bestari
(Noor Ruwena Mohd Nurdin) [2021] 1 ILR 157 cljlaw labourlaw


Breach of company rules and policies – Criminal case – Claimant on the police "wanted" list prior to employment by the company – Whether he had failed to declare it on purpose – Factors to consider – Evidence adduced – Effect of – Whether he had been in breach of the company's Business Code of Conduct – Effect of
Dedi Ajis v. MHG Desaru Hotel Sdn Bhd
(Sumathi Murugiah) [2021] 1 ILR 28 cljlaw labourlaw

Breach of company rules and policies – Fraud and dishonesty – Whether the claimant had submitted false claims – Factors to consider – Evidence adduced – Effect of – Claimant's defence and explanations – Whether acceptable – Bank's actions towards him – What it had shown – What the bank should have done instead – Whether the bank had been justified in dismissing him – Whether dismissal without just cause or excuse
Imam Subhan Kasman v. RHB Investment Bank Berhad
(Augustine Anthony) [2021] 1 ILR 269 cljlaw labourlaw

Breach of company rules and policies – Sexual harassment – Claimant exposing himself to COW1 while on official duty – Whether he had sexually harassed COW1 – Factors to consider – Evidence adduced – Evaluation of – Effect of – Whether the charge had been proven by the company against him – Claimant responding to the show cause letter with admissions, attempted justifications and mitigating factors – What it had shown – His actions versus COW1's actions thereafter – Effect of – Claimant's defence – Whether acceptable – Whether his conduct had justified his dismissal – Whether dismissal without just cause and excuse
Joubert Erick v. Sakura Ferroalloys Sdn Bhd
(Ani Ak Solep) [2021] 1 ILR 49 cljlaw labourlaw

Constructive dismissal – Salary – Claimant's salaries unpaid, part-paid or delayed – Whether proven by her – Factors to consider – Evidence adduced – Evaluation of – Effect of – Company's explanations – Whether reasonable – Company eventually paying her all outstanding salaries – Effect of – Whose version had been more probable – Whether it had amounted to a fundamental breach which had gone to the root of her contract of employment – What she should have done – Whether it had justified her walking out of her employment and claiming constructive dismissal
Masitah Mohamad v. University College Bestari
(Noor Ruwena Mohd Nurdin) [2021] 1 ILR 157 cljlaw labourlaw

Constructive dismissal – Salary – Unpaid, part-paid and delayed payment of salaries – Claimant walking out claiming constructive dismissal – Whether she had delayed in walking out of her employment – Factors to consider – Evidence adduced – Effect of – Claimant's conduct – What it had shown – Her explanations for the delay – Whether it had any merit – Whether the claimant, by her conduct, had elected to affirm the employment contract – Whether her claim for constructive dismissal ought to be allowed
Masitah Mohamad v. University College Bestari
(Noor Ruwena Mohd Nurdin) [2021] 1 ILR 157 cljlaw labourlaw

Constructive dismissal – Whether the conditions for constructive dismissal had been fulfilled by the claimant – Factors to consider – Evidence adduced – Effect of – Whether his claim ought to be allowed
Paat Yuk Cheong v. Sealink Sdn Bhd
(Ani Ak Solep) [2021] 1 ILR 231 cljlaw labourlaw

Misconduct – Claimant exposing himself to COW1 while on official duty – Whether he had sexually harassed her – Whether proven by the company against him – Factors to consider – Evidence adduced – Effect of – Whether it had amounted to serious misconduct – Whether it had justified his dismissal
Joubert Erick v. Sakura Ferroalloys Sdn Bhd
(Ani Ak Solep) [2021] 1 ILR 49 cljlaw labourlaw

Misconduct – Whether the claimant had submitted false claims – Whether successfully established by the bank against him – Factors to consider – Evidence adduced – Evaluation of – Effect of – Whether it had justified his dismissal
Imam Subhan Kasman v. RHB Investment Bank Berhad
(Augustine Anthony) [2021] 1 ILR 269 cljlaw labourlaw

Probationer – Probationer claimant failing to declare that he had been on the police "wanted" list prior to employment – Whether it had been the company's prerogative to assess him, both on his performance and on his trustworthiness – Company's actions towards him – What it had shown – Whether the company had acted in good faith in terminating him from employment – Factors to consider – Effect of – Whether dismissal with just cause and excuse
Dedi Ajis v. MHG Desaru Hotel Sdn Bhd
(Sumathi Murugiah) [2021] 1 ILR 28 cljlaw labourlaw


Admissions – Whether the claimant's admissions in the investigation interview sessions had been given voluntarily – Factors to consider – Evidence adduced – Effect of – Investigation interview not recorded verbatim – Effect of – What it had reflected – Whether such admissions had had any evidential value – Whether the investigation carried out by the bank had been carried out fairly
Imam Subhan Kasman v. RHB Investment Bank Berhad
(Augustine Anthony) [2021] 1 ILR 269 cljlaw labourlaw

Adverse inference – Company failing to call Chris Rowe and Azid – Whether an adverse inference ought to be drawn against it – Factors to consider – Effect of
Joubert Erick v. Sakura Ferroalloys Sdn Bhd
(Ani Ak Solep) [2021] 1 ILR 49 cljlaw labourlaw

Standard of proof – Fraud – Whether on a balance of probabilities
Imam Subhan Kasman v. RHB Investment Bank Berhad
(Augustine Anthony) [2021] 1 ILR 269 cljlaw labourlaw

Witness – COW2 failing to complete his examination – Whether COW2 had absconded – Factors to consider – Effect of
Joubert Erick v. Sakura Ferroalloys Sdn Bhd
(Ani Ak Solep) [2021] 1 ILR 49 cljlaw labourlaw


Remedies – Punishment – Whether the punishment of dismissal had been too harsh under the circumstances – Factors to consider – Evidence adduced – Effect of – Whether he had been subjected to the procedures and processes as per the Company Employee Handbook – Effect of – Whether the company's actions had been a fundamental breach that had gone to the root of his contract of employment – Whether dismissal had been justified – What the company should have done instead
Paat Yuk Cheong v. Sealink Sdn Bhd
(Ani Ak Solep) [2021] 1 ILR 231 cljlaw labourlaw


Employment – Retrenchment – Claimant worked with company for 13 years before being retrenched on ground of redundancy – Whether company followed Last-In First-Out principle – Whether retained employees had special skills and expertise not found in claimant – Whether termination actuated by irrelevant considerations – Whether retrenchment exercise bona fide – Whether termination on ground of retrenchment arising out of redundancy was for just cause or excuse
Ng Chang Seng v. Technip Geoproduction (M) Sdn Bhd & Anor
(Hanipah Farikullah, Lee Swee Seng & Che Mohd Ruzima Ghazali JJCA) [2021] 1 ILR 1 cljlaw labourlaw


Collective Agreement – Terms and conditions of service – Across-the-board adjustments – Whether it ought to be allowed – Factors to consider – Evidence adduced – Effect of – Whether the current economic and health situation partly due to the Covid-19 pandemic augurs well for an across-the-board salary adjustment
Kesatuan Sekerja Industri Elektronik Wilayah Utara Semenanjung Malaysia v. Panasonic Automotive Systems Malaysia Sdn Bhd
(Domnic Selvam Gnanapragasam) [2021] 1 ILR 189 cljlaw labourlaw

Collective Agreement – Terms and conditions of service – Appointment and probationary period and notice of termination – Whether it ought to be allowed – Factors to consider – Evidence adduced – Effect of – Whether it had been reasonable
Kesatuan Sekerja Industri Elektronik Wilayah Utara Semenanjung Malaysia v. Panasonic Automotive Systems Malaysia Sdn Bhd
(Domnic Selvam Gnanapragasam) [2021] 1 ILR 189 cljlaw labourlaw

Collective Agreement – Terms and conditions of service – Bonus – Whether it ought to be allowed – Factors to consider – Evidence adduced – Effect of – Whether it is management's prerogative
Kesatuan Sekerja Industri Elektronik Wilayah Utara Semenanjung Malaysia v. Panasonic Automotive Systems Malaysia Sdn Bhd
(Domnic Selvam Gnanapragasam) [2021] 1 ILR 189 cljlaw labourlaw

Collective Agreement – Terms and conditions of service – Check-off – Whether it ought to be allowed – Factors to consider – Evidence adduced – Effect of
Kesatuan Sekerja Industri Elektronik Wilayah Utara Semenanjung Malaysia v. Panasonic Automotive Systems Malaysia Sdn Bhd
(Domnic Selvam Gnanapragasam) [2021] 1 ILR 189 cljlaw labourlaw

Collective Agreement – Terms and conditions of service – Compassionate, congratulatory and paternity leave – Whether it ought to be allowed – Factors to consider – Evidence adduced – Effect of – Whether it had been reasonable
Kesatuan Sekerja Industri Elektronik Wilayah Utara Semenanjung Malaysia v. Panasonic Automotive Systems Malaysia Sdn Bhd
(Domnic Selvam Gnanapragasam) [2021] 1 ILR 189 cljlaw labourlaw

Collective Agreement – Terms and conditions of service – Determination of Kunthavi's years of service with the respondent – Factors to consider – Evidence adduced – Effect of – Computation of her last drawn salary for the purpose of computing the early retirement gratuity
Kesatuan Pekerja-pekerja Di Dalam Kesatuan Sekerja v. Kongres Kesatuan Sekerja Malaysia
(Augustine Anthony) [2021] 1 ILR 37 cljlaw labourlaw

Collective Agreement – Terms and conditions of service – Maternity leave – Whether it ought to be allowed – Factors to consider – Evidence adduced – Effect of
Kesatuan Sekerja Industri Elektronik Wilayah Utara Semenanjung Malaysia v. Panasonic Automotive Systems Malaysia Sdn Bhd
(Domnic Selvam Gnanapragasam) [2021] 1 ILR 189 cljlaw labourlaw

Collective Agreement – Terms and conditions of service – Medical benefits – Whether it ought to be allowed – Factors to consider – Evidence adduced – Effect of
Kesatuan Sekerja Industri Elektronik Wilayah Utara Semenanjung Malaysia v. Panasonic Automotive Systems Malaysia Sdn Bhd
(Domnic Selvam Gnanapragasam) [2021] 1 ILR 189 cljlaw labourlaw

Collective Agreement – Terms and conditions of service – Overtime and annual leave – Whether it ought to be allowed – Factors to consider – Evidence adduced – Effect of – Whether it had been a basic requirement
Kesatuan Sekerja Industri Elektronik Wilayah Utara Semenanjung Malaysia v. Panasonic Automotive Systems Malaysia Sdn Bhd
(Domnic Selvam Gnanapragasam) [2021] 1 ILR 189 cljlaw labourlaw

Collective Agreement – Terms and conditions of service – Paid leave for union activities – Whether it ought to be allowed – Factors to consider – Evidence adduced – Effect of – Industrial Relations Act 1967, s. 6
Kesatuan Sekerja Industri Elektronik Wilayah Utara Semenanjung Malaysia v. Panasonic Automotive Systems Malaysia Sdn Bhd
(Domnic Selvam Gnanapragasam) [2021] 1 ILR 189 cljlaw labourlaw

Collective Agreement – Terms and conditions of service – Parties to the agreement and effective date and duration – Determination of – Factors to consider – Evidence adduced – Effect of – Industrial Relations Act 1967, s. 30(7)
Kesatuan Sekerja Industri Elektronik Wilayah Utara Semenanjung Malaysia v. Panasonic Automotive Systems Malaysia Sdn Bhd
(Domnic Selvam Gnanapragasam) [2021] 1 ILR 189 cljlaw labourlaw

Collective Agreement – Terms and conditions of service – Public holidays overtime – Whether it ought to be allowed – Factors to consider – Evidence adduced – Effect of – Employment Act 1955
Kesatuan Sekerja Industri Elektronik Wilayah Utara Semenanjung Malaysia v. Panasonic Automotive Systems Malaysia Sdn Bhd
(Domnic Selvam Gnanapragasam) [2021] 1 ILR 189 cljlaw labourlaw

Collective Agreement – Terms and conditions of service – Recognition of the union – Whether it ought to be allowed – Factors to consider – Evidence adduced – Effect of
Kesatuan Sekerja Industri Elektronik Wilayah Utara Semenanjung Malaysia v. Panasonic Automotive Systems Malaysia Sdn Bhd
(Domnic Selvam Gnanapragasam) [2021] 1 ILR 189 cljlaw labourlaw

Collective Agreement – Terms and conditions of service – Re-negotiation of the agreement – Whether it ought to be allowed – Factors to consider – Evidence adduced – Effect of
Kesatuan Sekerja Industri Elektronik Wilayah Utara Semenanjung Malaysia v. Panasonic Automotive Systems Malaysia Sdn Bhd
(Domnic Selvam Gnanapragasam) [2021] 1 ILR 189 cljlaw labourlaw

Collective Agreement – Terms and conditions of service – Retirement benefits – Whether it ought to be allowed – Factors to consider – Evidence adduced – Effect of – Whether it is best left to the discretion of the employer
Kesatuan Sekerja Industri Elektronik Wilayah Utara Semenanjung Malaysia v. Panasonic Automotive Systems Malaysia Sdn Bhd
(Domnic Selvam Gnanapragasam) [2021] 1 ILR 189 cljlaw labourlaw

Collective Agreement – Terms and conditions of service – Retrenchment and retrenchment benefits – Whether it ought to be allowed – Factors to consider – Evidence adduced – Effect of – Termination and Lay-Off Benefits Regulations 1980
Kesatuan Sekerja Industri Elektronik Wilayah Utara Semenanjung Malaysia v. Panasonic Automotive Systems Malaysia Sdn Bhd
(Domnic Selvam Gnanapragasam) [2021] 1 ILR 189 cljlaw labourlaw

Collective Agreement – Terms and conditions of service – Salary scale and annual increment – Whether it ought to be allowed – Factors to consider – Evidence adduced – Effect of – Whether the prerogative to determine the job scope had been with the employer or the union
Kesatuan Sekerja Industri Elektronik Wilayah Utara Semenanjung Malaysia v. Panasonic Automotive Systems Malaysia Sdn Bhd
(Domnic Selvam Gnanapragasam) [2021] 1 ILR 189 cljlaw labourlaw

Collective Agreement – Terms and conditions of service – Transport allowances – Whether it ought to be allowed – Factors to consider – Evidence adduced – Effect of – Whether it is management's prerogative
Kesatuan Sekerja Industri Elektronik Wilayah Utara Semenanjung Malaysia v. Panasonic Automotive Systems Malaysia Sdn Bhd
(Domnic Selvam Gnanapragasam) [2021] 1 ILR 189 cljlaw labourlaw

Collective Agreement – Terms and conditions of service – Whether Kunthavi had been entitled to the gratuity payments pursuant to art. 20 (c) of the 5th CA – Factors to consider – Evidence adduced – Effect of
Kesatuan Pekerja-pekerja Di Dalam Kesatuan Sekerja v. Kongres Kesatuan Sekerja Malaysia
(Augustine Anthony) [2021] 1 ILR 37 cljlaw labourlaw

Collective Agreement – Terms and conditions of service – Whether the 5th CA, which had expired 23 years ago, had still been valid and binding between the parties – Factors to consider – Evidence adduced – Effect of
Kesatuan Pekerja-pekerja Di Dalam Kesatuan Sekerja v. Kongres Kesatuan Sekerja Malaysia
(Augustine Anthony) [2021] 1 ILR 37 cljlaw labourlaw



Ketidakpatuhan terhadap peraturan dan polisi syarikat – Kecuaian – Sama ada YM telah gagal mematuhi Scheme of Service Chapter 3 (Loans) syarikat – Faktor-faktor yang harus diambil kira – Keterangan yang dikemukakan – Kesannya – Pembelaan YM – Sama ada dapat diterima – Jawatan yang disandang oleh beliau di dalam syarikat – Apa yang diharapkan daripadanya – Apa yang beliau sepatutnya lakukan – Sama ada YM telah melakukan satu salah laku yang serius – Sama ada salah laku tersebut berjaya dibuktikan oleh syarikat terhadapnya – Kesan ke atas syarikat – Sama ada salah laku tersebut mewajarkan penamatan perkhidmatannya – Sama ada pembuangan kerja YM telah dilakukan secara adil dan bersebab
Ismail Basar lwn. Takaful Ikhlas Berhad
(Rasidah Chik) [2021] 1 ILR 100 cljlaw labourlaw

Ketidakpatuhan terhadap peraturan dan polisi syarikat – Kecuaian – Sama ada YM telah gagal untuk memastikan kelulusan Lembaga Pengarah diperolehi terlebih dahulu berhubung dengan tuntutan Critical Illness untuk kakitangan syarikat – Faktor-faktor yang harus diambil kira – Keterangan yang dikemukakan – Kesannya – Pembelaan YM – Sama ada dapat diterima – Jawatan yang disandang oleh beliau di dalam syarikat – Apa yang diharapkan daripadanya – Sama ada YM telah melakukan satu salah laku yang serius – Sama ada salah laku tersebut berjaya dibuktikan oleh syarikat terhadapnya – Sama ada salah laku tersebut mewajarkan penamatan perkhidmatannya – Sama ada pembuangan kerja YM telah dilakukan secara adil dan bersebab
Ismail Basar lwn. Takaful Ikhlas Berhad
(Rasidah Chik) [2021] 1 ILR 100 cljlaw labourlaw

Ketidakpatuhan terhadap peraturan dan polisi syarikat – Kecuaian – Sama ada YM telah gagal untuk memastikan perlaksanaan PC Financing Agreement – Faktor-faktor yang harus diambil kira – Keterangan yang dikemukakan – Kesannya – Sama ada salah laku tersebut berjaya dibuktikan oleh syarikat terhadapnya – Sama ada salah laku tersebut mewajarkan penamatan perkhidmatannya
Ismail Basar lwn. Takaful Ikhlas Berhad
(Rasidah Chik) [2021] 1 ILR 100 cljlaw labourlaw

Pembuangan kerja secara konstruktif – Gaji – COW1 mencadangkan pengurangan gaji kepada YM – Sebabnya – Sama ada ianya merupakan satu perlanggaran fundamental kepada kontrak perkhidmatan YM – Faktor-faktor yang harus diambil kira – Keterangan yang dikemukakan – Kesannya – Tindakan YM dan firma – Apa ianya menunjukkan – Kesannya – Hubungan YM dan COW1 – Apa yang YM sepatutnya lakukan – Sama ada Tindakan YM mendakwa penamatan perkhidmatan secara konstruktif adalah pra-matang – Sama ada YM telah dibuang kerja secara konstruktif – Sama ada beliau telah memilih untuk meninggalkan firma atas kerelaannya sendiri
Selvanayagam Kailasam lwn. Ng Chee Kong & Co
(Rasidah Chik) [2021] 1 ILR 133 cljlaw labourlaw

Pembuangan kerja secara konstruktif – Gaji – Cadangan oleh firma untuk mengurangkan gaji YM – Tindakan atau reaksi YM terhadapnya – Apa ia menunjukkan – Sama ada beliau telah memberi notis kepada firma mengenai dakwaan pemecatan secara konstruktif – Kesannya – YM hanya mengambil tindakan lapan belas (18) hari selepas perlanggaran kepada terma fundamental kontrak perkhidmatan beliau dikatakan berlaku – Kesannya – Sebab untuk kelewatan tersebut – Sama ada dapat diterima – Faktor-faktor yang harus diambil kira – Keterangan yang dikemukakan – Kesannya – Kelakuan beliau sebelum meninggalkan firma – Apa ia menunjukkan – Pengalaman dan pengetahuan YM dalam bidang perundangan – Sama ada beliau telah meninggalkan firma secara sukarela
Selvanayagam Kailasam lwn. Ng Chee Kong & Co
(Rasidah Chik) [2021] 1 ILR 133 cljlaw labourlaw

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