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LATEST CASES (ILR Issue 2 of 2011)  



Terms and conditions - Whether the Employee Handbook had regulated the relationship between the claimant and the company - Contents of the Employee Handbook - Effect of - Company also failing to adhere to its statutory obligations - What that meant - Effect of - Claimant subsequently dismissed by the company - Whether dismissal with just cause and excuse - Industrial Relations Act 1967, s. 20(3)
Pang Swee Khin v. Crystal Road Construction Sdn Bhd
(Gabriel Gumis) [2011] 1 ILR 472 cljlaw  labourlaw

Type of - Fixed term contract - Whether the claimant’s contract had been a genuine fixed term contract - Claimant not raising the issue of the genuineness of her fixed term contract until 6 years after her dismissal - Claimant represented by solicitors from her first termination notice - Effect of - Whether the claimant’s objection to her fixed term contract had been a mere afterthought - Factors to consider - Effect of - Whether dismissal without just cause or excuse - Industrial Relations Act 1967, ss. 20(3) & 30(5)
Maybank (Phileo Allied Bank) v. Amy Low
(Ong Geok Lan) [2011] 1 ILR 461 cljlaw  labourlaw

Type of - Fixed term contract - Whether the claimant’s contract had been a genuine fixed term contract - Whether the company’s actions of putting the claimant on a fixed term contract had been genuine - Evidence adduced by the company - Effect of - Whether dismissal without just cause or excuse - Industrial Relations Act 1967, ss. 20(3) & 30(5)
Maybank (Phileo Allied Bank) v. Amy Low
(Ong Geok Lan) [2011] 1 ILR 461 cljlaw  labourlaw

Type of - Whether the claimant had been hired by the company on a project basis - Evidence adduced by the company - Effect of - Claimant subsequently dismissed by the company - Whether dismissal with just cause and excuse - Industrial Relations Act 1967, s. 20(3)
Pang Swee Khin v. Crystal Road Construction Sdn Bhd
(Gabriel Gumis) [2011] 1 ILR 472 cljlaw  labourlaw


Abandonment - Company claiming that the claimant had abandoned his job by failing to turn up for work - Whether it had been proven by the company - Evidence adduced by the company - Effect of - Company failing to plead abandonment by the claimant - Effect of - Whether dismissal without just cause or excuse - Industrial Relations Act 1967, ss. 20(3) & 30(5)
Edwin Anak Bakar v. Sarku Marine Sdn Bhd
(P Iruthayaraj D Pappusamy) [2011] 1 ILR 375 cljlaw  labourlaw

Change of ownership - Whether the claimant had been aware of the change in ownership - Effect of - What a change of ownership had meant - Whether the company had been in a position to continue to employ the claimant after selling off their assets and liabilities - Effect of - Whether the company’s actions of terminating the claimant had been bona fide - Factors to consider - Effect of - Evidence adduced - Effect of - Whether dismissal without just cause or excuse - Industrial Relations Act 1967, ss. 20(3) & 30(5)
Maybank (Phileo Allied Bank) v. Amy Low
(Ong Geok Lan) [2011] 1 ILR 461 cljlaw  labourlaw

Constructive dismissal - Claimant suspended from duties and subsequently not paid her salaries - Reasons for the same - Whether the company had proven the allegations against the claimant - Evidence adduced - Whether the claimant had managed to rebut successfully - Effect of - Whether the claimant had managed to satisfy her burden of proof - Effect of - Whether there had been a fundamental breach of the claimant’s contract of employment by the company - Effect of - Whether dismissal without just cause and excuse - Industrial Relations Act 1967
Yong Ha Lan v. Pemborong Chung Wai Wah & Sons Sdn Bhd
(P Iruthayaraj D Pappusamy) [2011] 1 ILR 294 cljlaw  labourlaw

Constructive dismissal - Victimization - Claimant giving loans to the company and taking interest - Whether it had been a common practice in the company - Effect of - Claimant singled out for punishment - Whether that had been prejudicial to her - Whether she had been treated with bias by the company - Whether she had been victimized by the company - Evidence adduced by the claimant - Effect of - Whether there had been a fundamental breach of the claimant’s contract of employment by the company - Effect of - Whether dismissal without just cause and excuse - Industrial Relations Act 1967
Yong Ha Lan v. Pemborong Chung Wai Wah & Sons Sdn Bhd
(P Iruthayaraj D Pappusamy) [2011] 1 ILR 294 cljlaw  labourlaw

Constructive dismissal - Whether the claimant had failed to perform her job functions - Job designation of the claimant - Company’s claim on her job designation and documentary evidence adduced contradicting one another - Effect of - Which had been more believable - Company alleging that the claimant had not performed her job up to expectations - Evidence adduced by the company - Company suspending the claimant and failing to pay her salaries - Claimant walking out on constructive dismissal - Whether the company’s actions had been reasonable - Effect of - Whether there had been a fundamental breach of the claimant’s terms of employment by the company - Whether dismissal without just cause or excuse - Industrial Relations Act 1967, s. 20(3)
Yong Ha Lan v. Pemborong Chung Wai Wah & Sons Sdn Bhd
(P Iruthayaraj D Pappusamy) [2011] 1 ILR 294 cljlaw  labourlaw

Insubordination - Claimant given a directive not to appear in the Departure Hall unless travelling - Claimant disregarding the directive - Claimant obtaining a security pass from the Department of Civil Aviation - Effect of - Whether the company’s failure to inform DCA not to issue him a security pass had indicated the company’s acceptance of his presence in the Departure Hall - Who the claimant’s employer had been - Whether the claimant’s misconducts had constituted penal offences - Effect of - What the claimant’s presence in the Departure Hall had meant - Effect of - Whether the company had managed to establish the misconduct against the claimant - Effect of - Whether dismissal without just cause or excuse - Industrial Relations Act 1967, s. 20(3)
Awang Khalik Awang Yusuf v. Malaysia Airlines
(Gabriel Gumis) [2011] 1 ILR 424 cljlaw  labourlaw

Insubordination - Claimant given a directive not to appear in the Departure Hall unless travelling - Claimant disregarding the directive - Reasons put forward by the claimant for disregarding the directive - Effect of - Whether the claimants reasons had been believable - Whether the claimant had obtained the permission of the officer on duty to make the announcement - Evidence adduced by the claimant and the company - Which version more believable - Effect of - Company not suffering financial loss or incurring flight delays - Whether that had been a relevant consideration - Whether the misconducts had been proven against the claimant - Evidence adduced by the company - Effect of - Whether dismissal without just cause or excuse - Industrial Relations Act 1967, s. 20(3)
Awang Khalik Awang Yusuf v. Malaysia Airlines
(Gabriel Gumis) [2011] 1 ILR 424 cljlaw  labourlaw

Insubordination - Claimant given a directive not to appear in the Departure Hall unless travelling - Claimant disregarding the directive - Whether his actions had constituted misconduct - Effect of - Company issuing him a punishment order - Whether the party who had issued the punishment order to the claimant had been the correct authority to do so - Effect of - Two versions of the company’s Disciplinary Procedure - Perusal of - Whether the company had complied with its own disciplinary procedures - Whether the punishment order had been decided on unilaterally - Evidence adduced by the company - Effect of - Whether dismissal without just cause or excuse - Industrial Relations Act 1967, s. 20(3)
Awang Khalik Awang Yusuf v. Malaysia Airlines
(Gabriel Gumis) [2011] 1 ILR 424 cljlaw  labourlaw

Insubordination - Claimant given a directive not to appear in the Departure Hall unless travelling - Claimant disregarding the directive - Whether his actions had constituted misconduct - Effect of - Two versions of the company’s Disciplinary Procedures produced in court - A perusal thereof - Whether there had been any difference between the 2 versions - Effect of - Whether the company had managed to establish the misconducts against the claimant - Evidence adduced by the company - Whether sufficient to satisfy its burden of proof - Effect of - Whether dismissal without just cause or excuse - Industrial Relations Act 1967, s. 20(3)
Awang Khalik Awang Yusuf v. Malaysia Airlines
(Gabriel Gumis) [2011] 1 ILR 424 cljlaw  labourlaw

Insubordination - Claimant issued a show cause letter and given 7 days to explain - Instead claimant terminated 2 days later - Effect of - Claimant not given an opportunity to explain himself - Whether that had been fair - Effect of - Whether the misconduct of insubordination had been proven by the company - Whether dismissal without just cause or excuse - Industrial Relations Act 1967, s. 20(3)
Adam Lau Chee Seng v. Ambience Lighting (M) Sdn Bhd
(Yamuna Menon) [2011] 1 ILR 320 cljlaw  labourlaw

Insubordination - Claimant making additional claims against the company - What those additional claims had been in relation to - Whether it had related to work within the claimant’s job scope - Effect of - The claimant’s job scope - Determination of - Effect of - Company informing the claimant that he "may" claim additional sums - What it had meant - Whether the company by its actions had sent him mixed messages - Effect of - Whether the misconduct had been proven by the company - Evidence adduced - Effect of - Whether dismissal without just cause or excuse - Industrial Relations Act 1967, s. 20(3)
Adam Lau Chee Seng v. Ambience Lighting (M) Sdn Bhd
(Yamuna Menon) [2011] 1 ILR 320 cljlaw  labourlaw

Insubordination - Claimant making additional claims against the company - Whether a meeting had been held between the claimant and COW1 wherein the latter had advised him not to make those claims - Evidence adduced - Whether such a meeting had been pleaded in the SIR - Effect of - Whether it had been an afterthought - Effect of - Whether the misconduct of insubordination had been proven by the company - Whether dismissal without just cause or excuse - Industrial Relations Act 1967, s. 20(3)
Adam Lau Chee Seng v. Ambience Lighting (M) Sdn Bhd
(Yamuna Menon) [2011] 1 ILR 320 cljlaw  labourlaw

Misconduct - Claimant charged with threatening his superior - Whether proven by the company - Evidence adduced by the company - Effect of - Whether had been sufficient to prove - Effect of - Whether the respondent company had discharged its burden of proof - Effect of - Whether dismissal without just cause or excuse - Industrial Relations Act 1967, s. 20(3)
Osman Rahmat v. Portcom Sdn Bhd
(Eddie Yeo Soon Chye) [2011] 1 ILR 448 cljlaw  labourlaw

Notice of termination - Release letter issued by the company - Contents of the release letter - Effect of - Whether the claimant had resigned - Claimant denying tendering his resignation letter - Effect of - Evidence adduced by the company - Whether the company had proven that the claimant had resigned - Effect of - Whether dismissal without just cause or excuse - Industrial Relations Act 1967, ss. 20(3) & 30(5)
Pang Swee Khin v. Crystal Road Construction Sdn Bhd
(Gabriel Gumis) [2011] 1 ILR 472 cljlaw  labourlaw

Notice of termination - Whether the notice of termination had been issued against the claimant to victimize him - Effect of - Past conduct of the claimant - Whether it had been relevant in determining whether his dismissal had been carried out with just cause and excuse - Effect of - Whether the claimant’s dismissal had been with just cause and excuse - Industrial Relations Act 1967, s. 20(3)
Awang Khalik Awang Yusuf v. Malaysia Airlines
(Gabriel Gumis) [2011] 1 ILR 424 cljlaw  labourlaw

Performance - Unsatisfactory performance - Claimant delaying in paying year-end bonuses - Reasons for the same - Whether the parent company’s prior approval had been required before bonuses could be paid out - Evidence adduced by the parties - Effect of - Whether dismissal without just cause or excuse - Industrial Relations Act 1967, ss. 20(3) & 30(5)
Cheaw Hon Leong v. Muller Martini (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd
(Yamuna Menon) [2011] 1 ILR 249 cljlaw  labourlaw

Performance - Unsatisfactory performance - Claimant paying year-end bonuses out late - Company alleging employee morale low - Whether the claimant had been aware - Evidence adduced by the company - Effect of - Whether dismissal without just cause or excuse - Industrial Relations Act 1967, ss. 20(3) & 30(5)
Cheaw Hon Leong v. Muller Martini (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd
(Yamuna Menon) [2011] 1 ILR 249 cljlaw  labourlaw

Performance - Unsatisfactory performance - Whether proven by the company - Claimant given increments and bonuses - What that had shown - Effect of - Whether the company had borne the burden of proving unsatisfactory performance - Effect of - Whether the allegation of poor performance had been proven by the company - Effect of - Whether dismissal without just cause or excuse - Industrial Relations Act 1967, ss. 20(3) & 30(5)
Cheaw Hon Leong v. Muller Martini (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd
(Yamuna Menon) [2011] 1 ILR 249 cljlaw  labourlaw

Retrenchment - Business closure of the company’s MLNG Project - Claimant offered re-employment but claimant declining - Reasons for the same - Effect of - Whether the re-employment offer by the company had been genuine - Evidence adduced by the company - Effect of - Whether there had been a dismissal - Whether dismissal without just cause or excuse - Industrial Relations Act 1967, ss. 20(3) & 30(5)
Patrick Wang v. Nichias Engineering (M) Sdn Bhd
(P Iruthayaraj D Pappusamy) [2011] 1 ILR 339 cljlaw  labourlaw

Retrenchment - Business closure of the company’s MLNG Project - Whether it had been done bona fide - Evidence adduced by the company - Whether the company had any projects in Malaysia after 2002 - Effect of - Whether the company had been a dormant company - Evidence tendered by the company - Whether proven - Effect of - Claimant terminated from employment - Effect of - Whether there had been a dismissal - Whether dismissal without just cause and excuse - Industrial Relations Act 1967, s. 20(3)
Patrick Wang v. Nichias Engineering (M) Sdn Bhd
(P Iruthayaraj D Pappusamy) [2011] 1 ILR 339 cljlaw  labourlaw

Retrenchment - Business closure of the company’s MLNG Project - Whether proven - Effect of - Whether the claimant had been given prior notice of the impending closure of the MLNG Project - Evidence tendered by the parties - Closure mentioned in claimant’s termination letter and claimant given a month’s notice of termination - Whether that had been reasonable under the circumstances - Effect of - Whether the company had been under an obligation to give notice to the claimant - What it showed of the intention of the company - Effect of - Whether dismissal without just cause or excuse - Industrial Relations Act 1967, ss. 20(3) & 30(5)
Patrick Wang v. Nichias Engineering (M) Sdn Bhd
(P Iruthayaraj D Pappusamy) [2011] 1 ILR 339 cljlaw  labourlaw

Retrenchment - Redundancy - Claimant retrenched - Effect of - Whether the company had managed to prove that the claimant’s position had become redundant - Evidence adduced by the company - Effect of - Whether the company’s actions had been bona fide - Whether dismissal without just cause or excuse - Industrial Relations Act 1967, ss. 20(3) & 30(5)
Pang Swee Khin v. Crystal Road Construction Sdn Bhd
(Gabriel Gumis) [2011] 1 ILR 472 cljlaw  labourlaw

Retrenchment - Redundancy - Claimant retrenched - Reasons for the same - Effect of - Whether the company had carried out the retrenchment exercise fairly - Evidence adduced by the company - Whether the company had complied with the terms and conditions of the Employee Handbook - Effect of - Whether the Employee Handbook had been a part of the claimant’s terms of employment - Effect of - Whether the company had breached its contract of employment with the claimant - Effect of - Whether dismissal without just cause and excuse - Industrial Relations Act 1967, s. 20(3)
Pang Swee Khin v. Crystal Road Construction Sdn Bhd
(Gabriel Gumis) [2011] 1 ILR 472 cljlaw  labourlaw

Retrenchment - Redundancy - Claimant terminated by the company - Reasons for his termination - Claimant accused of the American Crane modification incident - Evidence adduced by the company - Whether it had been corroborated by the necessary oral and documentary evidence - Effect of - Claimant’s prior service record - What it had shown - Effect of - Whether dismissal without just cause or excuse - Industrial Relations Act 1967, ss. 20(3) & 30(5)
Edwin Anak Bakar v. Sarku Marine Sdn Bhd
(P Iruthayaraj D Pappusamy) [2011] 1 ILR 375 cljlaw  labourlaw


Findings - Whether it had been perverse - Whether the inquiry had been conducted using the twin pillars of justice - Evidence adduced by the company - Effect of - Whether the findings of the DI could be relied on by the Court - Effect of - Industrial Relations Act 1967, s. 20(3)
Awang Khalik Awang Yusuf v. Malaysia Airlines
(Gabriel Gumis) [2011] 1 ILR 424 cljlaw  labourlaw


Documentary evidence - Preliminary objection to contradictory dates claimant alleging constructive dismissal - Whether the principle in Joedy Kanniah had been applicable - Whether this had been a case of direct dismissal or constructive dismissal - Factors to consider - Effect of - Industrial Relations Act 1967
Yong Ha Lan v. Pemborong Chung Wai Wah & Sons Sdn Bhd
(P Iruthayaraj D Pappusamy) [2011] 1 ILR 294 cljlaw  labourlaw

Documentary and oral evidence given by the company - Whether the claimant had come within the definition of ‘workman’ under the Act - Factors to consider - Claimant not executing letter of appointment - Which party had borne the burden of ensuring that the claimant executed the letter of appointment - Effect of - Claimant serving the company for 12 years - Whether the company’s allegations that the claimant had not been a workman had been mala fide - Effect of - Whether dismissal without just cause and excuse - Industrial Relations Act 1967, ss. 20(3) & 30(5)
Edwin Anak Bakar v. Sarku Marine Sdn Bhd
(P Iruthayaraj D Pappusamy) [2011] 1 ILR 375 cljlaw  labourlaw

Witness - Evidence given by the claimant - Claimant giving contradictory evidence - What that showed - Effect of - Whether claimant’s testimonies had been an afterthought - Effect of - Industrial Relations Act 1967
Tan Seng Wong v. Ludwig Air Health Sdn Bhd
(Hapipah Monel) [2011] 1 ILR 357 cljlaw  labourlaw


Jurisdiction - Workman - Whether the claimant had been a workman within the ambit of the Industrial Relations Act 1967 - Claimant refusing the business owner entry into his office and to his documents - What that showed - Evidence adduced - Whether arrangement had been characteristic of an employer-workman relationship - Effect of - Whether the Industrial Court had jurisdiction to hear the matter - Effect of - Whether dismissal had been without just cause and excuse - Industrial Relations Act 1967, ss. 2 and 20(3)
Tan Seng Wong v. Ludwig Air Health Sdn Bhd
(Hapipah Monel) [2011] 1 ILR 357 cljlaw  labourlaw

Jurisdiction - Workman - Whether the claimant had been a workman within the ambit of the Industrial Relations Act 1967 - No employment contract entered into between the parties - Whether there had been a verbal contract - Evidence adduced - Effect of - Whether dismissal had been without just cause and excuse - Industrial Relations Act 1967, s. 20(3)
Tan Seng Wong v. Ludwig Air Health Sdn Bhd
(Hapipah Monel) [2011] 1 ILR 357 cljlaw  labourlaw

Jurisdiction - Workman - Whether the claimant had been a workman within the ambit of the Industrial Relations Act 1967 - Position held by claimant - Job responsibilities of the claimant - Evidence adduced - Whether arrangement had been characteristic of an employer-workman relationship - Effect of - Whether the Industrial Court had jurisdiction to hear the matter - Effect of -Whether dismissal had been without just cause and excuse - Industrial Relations Act 1967, ss. 2 and 20(3)
Tan Seng Wong v. Ludwig Air Health Sdn Bhd
(Hapipah Monel) [2011] 1 ILR 357 cljlaw  labourlaw

Procedure - Pleadings - What the company had pleaded in their pleadings - Whether the claimant had been terminated or retrenched - Factors to consider - Effect of - Contents of the claimant’s termination letter - "Retrenchment" not mentioned anywhere in company’s documents and correspondences between the parties - Claimant paid termination benefits - What that meant - Effect of - Whether there had been a dismissal - Whether dismissal without just cause or excuse - Industrial Relations Act 1967, ss. 20(3) & 30(5)
Patrick Wang v. Nichias Engineering (M) Sdn Bhd
(P Iruthayaraj D Pappusamy) [2011] 1 ILR 339 cljlaw  labourlaw

Remedies - Backwages - Whether appropriate to grant under the circumstances - Whether there had been any contributory conduct on the part of the claimant - Whether deductions should be made to the award for backwages - Factors to consider - Effect of - Whether dismissal without just cause and excuse - Industrial Relations Act 1967
Pang Swee Khin v. Crystal Road Construction Sdn Bhd
(Gabriel Gumis) [2011] 1 ILR 472 cljlaw  labourlaw

Remedies - Backwages - Whether it had been the most suitable to grant - Factors to consider - Determination of quantum - Effect of - Industrial Relations Act 1967
Edwin Anak Bakar v. Sarku Marine Sdn Bhd
(P Iruthayaraj D Pappusamy) [2011] 1 ILR 375 cljlaw  labourlaw

Remedies - Compensation in lieu of reinstatement and backwages - Whether appropriate to award - Factors to consider - Effect of - Calculation of the same - Industrial Relations Act 1967
Cheaw Hon Leong v. Muller Martini (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd
(Yamuna Menon) [2011] 1 ILR 249 cljlaw  labourlaw

Remedies - Compensation in lieu of reinstatement - Whether it had been a suitable remedy - Factors to consider - Claimant not working for the company for 12 months in a year - Effect of - Industrial Relations Act 1967
Edwin Anak Bakar v. Sarku Marine Sdn Bhd
(P Iruthayaraj D Pappusamy) [2011] 1 ILR 375 cljlaw  labourlaw

Remedies - Quantum of damages - Claimant claiming for interest on the loan sum granted to the company - Whether it had been a contractual entitlement under her contract of employment - Effect of - Whether the Industrial Court had been the right forum to make such a claim - Effect of - Industrial Relations Act 1967
Yong Ha Lan v. Pemborong Chung Wai Wah & Sons Sdn Bhd
(P Iruthayaraj D Pappusamy) [2011] 1 ILR 294 cljlaw  labourlaw

Remedies - Reinstatement - Whether appropriate to grant under circumstances - Effect of - Industrial Relations Act 1967
Cheaw Hon Leong v. Muller Martini (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd
(Yamuna Menon) [2011] 1 ILR 249 cljlaw  labourlaw

Remedies - Reinstatement - Whether appropriate to grant under the circumstances - Claimant unable to perform his functions as an Excavator and seeking light work - Effect of - Time lapse between the time the claimant had been dismissed and this reference - Whether reinstatement would be a conducive remedy to industrial harmony - Factors to consider - Effect of - Whether dismissal without just cause and excuse - Industrial Relations Act 1967
Pang Swee Khin v. Crystal Road Construction Sdn Bhd
(Gabriel Gumis) [2011] 1 ILR 472 cljlaw  labourlaw

Remedies - Reinstatement - Whether appropriate under the circumstances - Factors to consider - Claimant engaged seasonally - What that meant - Effect of - Industrial Relations Act 1967
Edwin Anak Bakar v. Sarku Marine Sdn Bhd
(P Iruthayaraj D Pappusamy) [2011] 1 ILR 375 cljlaw  labourlaw

Remedies - Reinstatement - Whether it would be appropriate to award in the circumstances - Whether it would be conducive to industrial harmony - Effect of - Industrial Relations Act 1967, s. 20(3)
Osman Rahmat v. Portcom Sdn Bhd
(Eddie Yeo Soon Chye) [2011] 1 ILR 448 cljlaw  labourlaw

Remedies - Reinstatement - Whether appropriate to grant under the circumstances - Whether the claimant had worked after his termination - Whether there had been any post dismissal earnings to take into account - Whether deductions should be made to the award for compensation in lieu of reinstatement - Factors to consider - Effect of - Whether dismissal without just cause and excuse - Industrial Relations Act 1967
Pang Swee Khin v. Crystal Road Construction Sdn Bhd
(Gabriel Gumis) [2011] 1 ILR 472 cljlaw  labourlaw


Collective Agreement - Interpretation of articles - Factors to consider - Effect of - Industrial Relations Act 1967, s. 26(2)
Holiday Villages Of Malaysia Sdn Bhd v. Kesatuan Kebangsaan Pekerja-Pekerja Hotel, Bar & Restoran Semenanjung Malaysia
(Ahmad Terrirudin Mohd Salleh) [2011] 1 ILR 394 cljlaw  labourlaw

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