Happiness At Work And In Life: Can I Have Both? (The Star, Malaysia)
In my father’s generation, words like “engagement” and “aspiration” were foreign because the overriding motivation for turning up at work was to “make a living”.
However, in today’s generation – “living” is no longer an issue and concern because the workforce of today generally have enough to eat and their basic necessities are met (largely due to their parents’ hard work).
Business/Management Skills
A quick guide to incorporating a company in Malaysia (New Straits Times, Malaysia)
So, you have finally made the decision to start your own business! Congratulations!
Some of you may have been working for many years for someone else and have now decided to start something of your own. Others, may be new entrepreneurs, starting up a business for the first time. Whichever applies, it is going to be the start of an exciting new journey, filled with passion as you work to build and grow your own company.
Criminal/Legal Reports
19 majikan gagal bayar gaji minimum didakwa (Berita Harian)
Seramai 19 majikan didakwa oleh Pasukan Khas Jabatan Tenaga Kerja(JTK) Selangor, tahun lalu kerana gagal patuhi peraturan gaji minimum RM900 sebulan. Majikan yang ditahan didakwa dengan 126 pertuduhan di Mahkamah Majistret kerana enggan bayar gaji pokok seperti ditetapkan Dasar Gaji Minimum Kebangsaan.
Human Resource
Jepun kaji wajibkan pekerja ambil cuti tahun (Berita Harian)
Jepun sedang mempertimbangkan untuk mewajibkan pekerjanya mengambil cuti berbayar sekurang-kurangnya lima hari setahun, dalam usaha untuk mengurangkan jumlah pesakit mental dan fizikal di negara itu.
To leave or not to leave? (The Star, Malaysia)
“When I was young I kept picking roles and thinking ‘I don’t like this’ and then moving on, and you can’t afford to do that.
What do you do when you realise that you don’t like your job? Is it better to quit straight away and sever your ties with an unenjoyable experience, or to use the situation as an opportunity for personal and professional growth? While you’re not likely to stay in a job you don’t enjoy for an eternity, you should probably re-consider any snap decisions to up-and-leave.
Counter services to run until Feb 28 (The Star, Malaysia)
Employers and businesses will have to wait until the end of the month to know whether they can continue using the Immigration Department counter services to renew foreign worker permits.
Immigration Department director-general Datuk Mustafa Ibrahim said the Home Affairs Ministry was expected to make the decision whether to continue with the counter services.
Working Smart
5 steps plan to achieve your dream job (New Straits Times, Malaysia)
Bored at the office? Tired of your work? Dread going to work every day? Counting the hours till it’s time to go home? And during the hours at work, do you find yourself dreaming of doing something completely different from what you’re doing now?
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