LATEST CASES (ILR Issue 10 of 2017)
Judicial review - Certiorari - Application to quash Minister's decision not to refer representations to Industrial Court - Forced resignation - Whether there was constructive dismissal - Whether applicant's representation frivolous, perverse and vexatious - Whether Minister overstepped jurisdiction by rejecting applicant's representation on merits - Whether applicant's acceptance of compensation prevented or barred him from seeking remedy of reinstatement from Industrial Court - Whether Industrial Court the appropriate forum to make fair and appropriate decision - Industrial Relations Act 1967, s. 20(3)
Fadzil Awang Kechik v. Menteri Sumber Manusia & Anor
(Hanipah Farikullah J) [2017] 4 ILR 26

Breach of company rules and policies - Fraud/Dishonesty - Whether the claimant had fraudulently misrepresented to COW2 to pay him RM60,000 under the category "Reimbursement (travel)" - Factors to consider - Evidence adduced - Effect of - Whether the company had successfully proven this charge against him - Whether it had justified his dismissal - Position held by the claimant in the company - Duty of the claimant towards the company - Whether he had been in breach of it - Whether his misconduct had been serious - Whether it had justified his dismissal - Whether dismissal without just cause or excuse - Industrial Relations Act 1967, ss. 20(3) & 30(5)
Ang Teck Wang v. Big Sdn Bhd
(Sarojini Kandasamy) [2017] 4 ILR 171

Constructive dismissal - Salary - Claimant not paid from 17 May 2010 - Whether she had worked from that date - Factors to consider - Evidence adduced - Effect of - Whether she had been entitled to salaries for work not done by her - Effect of - Whether it had justified her walking out of her employment and claiming constructive dismissal
Norhayati Hussein v. JW Marriott Hotel Kuala Lumpur (Star Hill Hotel Sdn Bhd)
(Jamhirah Ali) [2017] 4 ILR 108

Constructive dismissal - Status - Claimant put on probation for the position of Rooms Coordinator - Reasons for the same - Whether could be accepted - Whether the company's actions towards her had been reasonable and justified - Whether it had been a fundamental breach which had gone to the root of her contract of employment which had justified her claiming constructive dismissal - Factors to consider
Norhayati Hussein v. JW Marriott Hotel Kuala Lumpur (Star Hill Hotel Sdn Bhd)
(Jamhirah Ali) [2017] 4 ILR 108

Constructive dismissal - Transfer - Claimant transferred to the position of Rooms Coordinator upon returning to work - Whether it had been a demotion - Factors to consider - Evidence adduced - Effect of - Company explaining the reasoning behind it - Whether the company's actions had been tainted with mala fide intent - Whether it had amounted to a fundamental breach which had gone to the root of her contract of employment - Whether the company's actions towards her had been reasonable and justified - Whether constructive dismissal proven by the claimant
Norhayati Hussein v. JW Marriott Hotel Kuala Lumpur (Star Hill Hotel Sdn Bhd)
(Jamhirah Ali) [2017] 4 ILR 108

Misconduct - Claimant uploading the respondent company's Letter of Censure on his Facebook page and posting various insulting comments and his personal opinion on it - Whether the misconduct had been proven by the respondent company against him - Factors to consider - Evidence adduced - Effect of - Whether it had justified the respondent company dismissing him - Claimant's explanations - Whether acceptable - Whether his conduct had been inconsistent and incompatible with the due and faithful discharge of his duties to his employer - Whether the decision to dismiss him had been justified under the circumstances - Whether dismissal without just cause and excuse
Muhammad Haniff Azzahari v. Telekom Malaysia Berhad
(Domnic Selvam Gnanapragasam) [2017] 4 ILR 37

Notice of termination - Termination simpliciter - Whether the claimant's termination had been a termination simpliciter - Factors to consider - Effect of
Ang Teck Wang v. Big Sdn Bhd
(Sarojini Kandasamy) [2017] 4 ILR 171

Absence of - Whether a fatality to the proceedings in the Industrial Court - Whether curable
Ang Teck Wang v. Big Sdn Bhd
(Sarojini Kandasamy) [2017] 4 ILR 171

Absence of - Whether the claimant had been given due notice of the allegations against him and the right to be heard - Evidence adduced - Effect of - Whether the fact that he had not been issued a show cause letter had been fatal to the proceedings
Ang Teck Wang v. Big Sdn Bhd
(Sarojini Kandasamy) [2017] 4 ILR 171

Dismissal - Unfair dismissal - Hotel temporarily relocated employees with promise that employees will be relocated back - Allegation that employees could not be relocated back to hotel as hotel sold to third party - Employees handed letter of dismissal by hotel - Whether notice of termination issued - Whether employees dismissed with just cause and excuse - Whether hotel's decision to terminate employees in violation of Employment Act 1955
Abu Bakar Salleh & Ors v. Langkasuka Resort Sdn Bhd (Langkawi Beach Resort) & Langkawi Airport Sdn Bhd (Hotel Helang) & Anor
(Hamid Sultan Abu Backer JCA, Zamani A Rahim JCA & Asmabi Mohamad JCA) [2017] 4 ILR 1

Burden of proof - Whether satisfied by the claimant in proving constructive dismissal - Evidence adduced - Effect of Norhayati Hussein v. JW Marriott Hotel Kuala Lumpur (Star Hill Hotel Sdn Bhd) (Jamhirah Ali) [2017] 4 ILR 108

Witness - Credibility - Claimant providing many inconsistent and contradictory answers in Court - Whether the claimant had been a credible witness
Ang Teck Wang v. Big Sdn Bhd
(Sarojini Kandasamy) [2017] 4 ILR 171

Dismissal - Unfair dismissal - Claim by hotel's employees - Hotel temporarily relocated employees with promise that employees will be relocated back to respective positions - Allegation that employees could not be relocated back to hotel as hotel sold to third party - Hotel handed letter of dismissal to employees - Industrial Court held that employees dismissed with just cause and excuse - Whether decision tainted with illegality, irrationality and procedural impropriety
Abu Bakar Salleh & Ors v. Langkasuka Resort Sdn Bhd (Langkawi Beach Resort) & Langkawi Airport Sdn Bhd (Hotel Helang) & Anor
(Hamid Sultan Abu Backer JCA, Zamani A Rahim JCA & Asmabi Mohamad JCA) [2017] 4 ILR 1

Jurisdiction - Whether a trade dispute had existed between the parties - Factors to consider - Effect of - Whether the Industrial Court had been seized with jurisdiction to hear this matter
Kesatuan Kebangsaan Pekerja-pekerja Hotel, Bar Dan Restoran, Semenanjung Malaysia v. CDL Hotels (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd (Grand Millennium Kuala Lumpur)
(Anna Ng Fui Choo) [2017] 4 ILR 122

Procedure - Action - Whether the Industrial Court had been bound by findings of fact in the High Court proceedings - Factors to consider - Effect of - Whether it would amount to subverting the justice of the case and proceedings before the Industrial Court
Ang Teck Wang v. Big Sdn Bhd
(Sarojini Kandasamy) [2017] 4 ILR 171

Employment - Forced resignation - Whether there was constructive dismissal - Application to quash Minister's decision not to refer representations to Industrial Court - Whether applicant's representation frivolous, perverse and vexatious - Whether Minister overstepped jurisdiction by rejecting applicant's representation on merits - Whether applicant's acceptance of compensation prevented or barred him from seeking remedy of reinstatement from Industrial Court - Whether Industrial Court the appropriate forum to make fair and appropriate decision - Industrial Relations Act 1967, s. 20(3)
Fadzil Awang Kechik v. Menteri Sumber Manusia & Anor
(Hanipah Farikullah J) [2017] 4 ILR 26

Industrial Court - Reference by Minister - Minister's refusal to refer representations to Industrial Court - Judicial review - Application for - Forced resignation - Whether there was constructive dismissal - Whether applicant's representation frivolous, perverse and vexatious - Whether Minister overstepped jurisdiction by rejecting applicant's representation on merits - Whether applicant's acceptance of compensation prevented or barred him from seeking remedy of reinstatement from Industrial Court - Whether Industrial Court the appropriate forum to make a fair and appropriate decision - Industrial Relations Act 1967, s. 20(3)
Fadzil Awang Kechik v. Menteri Sumber Manusia & Anor
(Hanipah Farikullah J) [2017] 4 ILR 26

Collective Agreement - Terms and conditions of service - Article on existing benefits - Whether the union's proposals ought to be allowed - Factors to consider - Effect of
Kesatuan Kebangsaan Pekerja-pekerja Hotel, Bar Dan Restoran, Semenanjung Malaysia v. CDL Hotels (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd (Grand Millennium Kuala Lumpur)
(Anna Ng Fui Choo) [2017] 4 ILR 122

Collective Agreement - Terms and conditions of service - Article on individual agreement - Whether the hotel's proposals ought to be allowed - Factors to consider - Effect of - Whether it could create havoc in the industry when it had been included extensively in other industries
Kesatuan Kebangsaan Pekerja-pekerja Hotel, Bar Dan Restoran, Semenanjung Malaysia v. CDL Hotels (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd (Grand Millennium Kuala Lumpur)
(Anna Ng Fui Choo) [2017] 4 ILR 122

Collective Agreement - Terms and conditions of service - Article on interpretation and implementation - Whether the union's proposals ought to be allowed - Factors to consider - Effect of
Kesatuan Kebangsaan Pekerja-Pekerja Hotel, Bar Dan Restoran, Semenanjung Malaysia v. CDL Hotels (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd (Grand Millennium Kuala Lumpur)
(Anna Ng Fui Choo) [2017] 4 ILR 122

Collective Agreement - Terms and conditions of service - Article on legislation - Whether a duplication of benefits in the legislation and the CA should be allowed - Factors to consider - Effect of Kesatuan Kebangsaan Pekerja-Pekerja Hotel, Bar Dan Restoran, Semenanjung Malaysia v. CDL Hotels (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd (Grand Millennium Kuala Lumpur) (Anna Ng Fui Choo) [2017] 4 ILR 122

Collective Agreement - Terms and conditions of service - Article on medically boarding out - Whether the union's proposals ought to be allowed - Factors to consider - Effect of - What a medical boarding out effectively was
Kesatuan Kebangsaan Pekerja-pekerja Hotel, Bar Dan Restoran, Semenanjung Malaysia v. CDL Hotels (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd (Grand Millennium Kuala Lumpur)
(Anna Ng Fui Choo) [2017] 4 ILR 122

Collective Agreement - Terms and conditions of service - Article on notice of vacancy and promotion - Whether there had been an express statutory prohibition on the inclusion of a proposal on "promotion" in a collective agreement - Perusal and evaluation of legislation - Effect of - Whether the hotel's proposals ought to be allowed - Factors to consider - Effect of - Industrial Relations Act 1967, s. 13(3)
Kesatuan Kebangsaan Pekerja-pekerja Hotel, Bar Dan Restoran, Semenanjung Malaysia v. CDL Hotels (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd (Grand Millennium Kuala Lumpur)
(Anna Ng Fui Choo) [2017] 4 ILR 122

Collective Agreement - Terms and conditions of service - Article on paid leave for trade union courses - Whether it had come within the purview of "trade dispute" under s. 2 of the Act and should be allowed in the CA - Industrial Relations Act 1967, s. 2
Kesatuan Kebangsaan Pekerja-pekerja Hotel, Bar Dan Restoran, Semenanjung Malaysia v. CDL Hotels (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd (Grand Millennium Kuala Lumpur) (Anna Ng Fui Choo) [2017] 4 ILR 122

Collective Agreement - Terms and conditions of service - Article on paid time-off - Whether the union's proposals ought to be allowed - Factors to consider - Effect of
Kesatuan Kebangsaan Pekerja-pekerja Hotel, Bar Dan Restoran, Semenanjung Malaysia v. CDL Hotels (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd (Grand Millennium Kuala Lumpur)
(Anna Ng Fui Choo) [2017] 4 ILR 122

Collective Agreement - Terms and conditions of service - Article on recognition and scope of agreement - Whether the union's proposal had been a standard clause and ought to be adopted - Factors to consider - Effect of
Kesatuan Kebangsaan Pekerja-pekerja Hotel, Bar Dan Restoran, Semenanjung Malaysia v. CDL Hotels (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd (Grand Millennium Kuala Lumpur)
(Anna Ng Fui Choo) [2017] 4 ILR 122

Collective Agreement - Terms and conditions of service - Article on retrenchment and retrenchment benefits - Whether the union's proposals ought to be allowed - Factors to consider - Effect of
Kesatuan Kebangsaan Pekerja-pekerja Hotel, Bar Dan Restoran, Semenanjung Malaysia v. CDL Hotels (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd (Grand Millennium Kuala Lumpur)
(Anna Ng Fui Choo) [2017] 4 ILR 122

Collective Agreement - Terms and conditions of service - Article on salary increase - What would be a reasonable percentage to order - Factors to consider - Effect of - What annual increments represent - Whether the PLWS system is suitable to be used for banking employees
Persatuan Pegawai-Pegawai HSBC Bank Malaysia Berhad, Semenanjung Malaysia v. HSBC Bank Malaysia Berhad
(Mary Shakila G Azariah) [2017] 4 ILR 44

Collective Agreement - Terms and conditions of service - Article on salary range - Whether it should move according to the salary adjustment - Factors to consider - Effect of - What would be a reasonable adjustment to award
Persatuan Pegawai-Pegawai HSBC Bank Malaysia Berhad, Semenanjung Malaysia v. HSBC Bank Malaysia Berhad
(Mary Shakila G Azariah) [2017] 4 ILR 44

Collective Agreement - Terms and conditions of service - Article on salary structure - Whether the union's proposals ought to be allowed - Factors to consider - Effect of
Kesatuan Kebangsaan Pekerja-pekerja Hotel, Bar Dan Restoran, Semenanjung Malaysia v. CDL Hotels (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd (Grand Millennium Kuala Lumpur)
(Anna Ng Fui Choo) [2017] 4 ILR 122

Collective Agreement - Terms and conditions of service - Article on service charge - Whether the hotel's proposals ought to be allowed - Factors to consider - Effect of - Whether the Guidelines issued by the National Wages Consultative Council Act 2011 had been ultra vires - Perusal and evaluation of the Guidelines - Effect of
Kesatuan Kebangsaan Pekerja-pekerja Hotel, Bar Dan Restoran, Semenanjung Malaysia v. CDL Hotels (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd (Grand Millennium Kuala Lumpur)
(Anna Ng Fui Choo) [2017] 4 ILR 122

Collective Agreement - Terms and conditions of service - Article on sick leave and hospitalisation - Whether the status quo ought to be maintained - Factors to consider
Kesatuan Kebangsaan Pekerja-pekerja Hotel, Bar Dan Restoran, Semenanjung Malaysia v. CDL Hotels (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd (Grand Millennium Kuala Lumpur)
(Anna Ng Fui Choo) [2017] 4 ILR 122

Collective Agreement - Terms and conditions of service - Article on special paid leave - Whether the union's proposals ought to be allowed - Factors to consider - Effect of
Kesatuan Kebangsaan Pekerja-pekerja Hotel, Bar Dan Restoran, Semenanjung Malaysia v. CDL Hotels (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd (Grand Millennium Kuala Lumpur)
(Anna Ng Fui Choo) [2017] 4 ILR 122

Collective Agreement - Terms and conditions of service - Article on uniform, laundry and shoes - Whether the union's proposals ought to be allowed - Factors to consider - Effect of
Kesatuan Kebangsaan Pekerja-pekerja Hotel, Bar Dan Restoran, Semenanjung Malaysia v. CDL Hotels (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd (Grand Millennium Kuala Lumpur)
(Anna Ng Fui Choo) [2017] 4 ILR 122

Ketidakpatuhan terhadap peraturan dan polisi syarikat - Kecuaian - Sama ada YMP telah membeli dua motosikal pada harga yang telah dinaikkan yang telah menyebabkan syarikat mengalami kerugian - Keterangan yang dikemukakan - Penilaiannya - Kesannya - Sama ada pertuduhan ini berjaya dibuktikan oleh syarikat terhadapnya - Sama ada pembuangan kerja YMP telah dilakukan secara adil dan bersebab
Mohd Nizhar Md Kasir & Satu Lagi lwn. Malindo Airways Sdn Bhd
(Jamil Aripin) [2017] 4 ILR 81

Ketidakpatuhan terhadap peraturan dan polisi syarikat - Konflik kepentingan - Sama ada penglibatan YMP dan YMK dalam NME merupakan suatu konflik kepentingan dengan syarikat - Keterangan yang dikemukakan - Penilaiannya - Kesannya - Sama ada pertuduhan ini berjaya dibuktikan oleh syarikat terhadap kedua-dua YM - Sama ada penamatan perkhidmatan kedua-dua YM telah dilakukan secara adil dan bersebab
Mohd Nizhar Md Kasir & Satu Lagi lwn. Malindo Airways Sdn Bhd
(Jamil Aripin) [2017] 4 ILR 81

Ketidakpatuhan terhadap peraturan dan polisi syarikat - Rasuah - Sama ada YMP telah menerima rasuah daripada pembekal syarikat - Keterangan yang dikemukakan - Kesannya - Sama ada syarikat berjaya membuktikan salah laku tersebut terhadap YMP - Penjelasan YMP - Sama ada dapat diterima - Apa yang beliau seharusnya lakukan - Sama ada pembuangan kerja YMP telah dilakukan secara adil dan bersebab
Mohd Nizhar Md Kasir & Satu Lagi lwn. Malindo Airways Sdn Bhd
(Jamil Aripin) [2017] 4 ILR 81

Salah laku - Penyalahgunaan kuasa oleh YMP - Sama ada YMP telah menyalahgunakan kuasanya untuk membeli item-item bagi pihak syarikat dengan harga yang tinggi kalau dibandingkan dengan item yang sama yang dibekalkan oleh pembekal-pembekal lain - Keterangan yang dikemukakan - Faktor-faktor yang harus diambil kira - Kesannya - Sama ada salah laku ini berjaya dibuktikan oleh syarikat terhadapnya
Mohd Nizhar Md Kasir & Satu Lagi lwn. Malindo Airways Sdn Bhd
(Jamil Aripin) [2017] 4 ILR 81
