LATEST CASES (ILR Issue 4 of 2018)
Frustration of contract - Whether the claimant, by his actions, had frustrated his employment contract - Factors to consider - Evidence adduced - Effect of - Whether it had justified the company's actions in dismissing him - Whether the company had exhibited mala fide intent in dismissing him
Ahmad Shah Mohd Hashim v. C & A Corporate Management Consulting Sdn Bhd
(Duncan Sikodol) [2018] 2 ILR 147

Type of - Fixed-term contract - Claimant's first fixed-term contract renewed before expiry of first term - Whether the duration of his employment had been altered - Factors to consider - Evidence adduced - Effect of - Whether the claimant, by his conduct, had agreed to it - Position of the claimant in the company
Vincent Pillai Leelakanda Pillai v. Subang Jaya Hotel Development Sdn Bhd
(Jamil Aripin) [2018] 2 ILR 158

Type of - Fixed-term contract - Whether the claimant had been a permanent employee of the company - Factors to consider - Evidence adduced - Effect of - Age of the claimant when he had been first employed - Retirement policy of the company - Claimant's actions - Whether it had been within his contemplation that the contract would not be renewed upon its expiry - Effect of - Whether it had been a genuine fixed-term contract - Whether there had been a dismissal - Whether dismissal without just cause and excuse
Vincent Pillai Leelakanda Pillai v. Subang Jaya Hotel Development Sdn Bhd
(Jamil Aripin) [2018] 2 ILR 158

Absenteeism - Whether he had been absent from work without notice and approval - Factors to consider - Evidence adduced - Effect of - Whether it had amounted to a misconduct - Whether his defence had had merits - Factors to consider - Whether it had warranted his dismissal
Ahmad Shah Mohd Hashim v. C & A Corporate Management ConsultingSdn Bhd
(Duncan Sikodol) [2018] 2 ILR 147

Breach of company rules and policies - Conflict of interest - Whether the claimant had set up a business, with the same nature of business as the company, without its knowledge and consent - Factors to consider - Evidence adduced - Effect of - Whether it had constituted a fundamental breach of the terms of his contract of employment - Claimant's defence - Whether acceptable - Whether the company had acted bona fide in dismissing him - Whether dismissal without just cause and excuse
Periasamy Munisamy v. Eden Value Sdn Bhd & Makkal Osai Group Of Companies
(Reihana Abd Razak) [2018] 2 ILR 71

Breach of company rules and policies - Conflict of interest with the company's business - SSM search showing the claimant as a Secretary of the Rotary Club - Whether his actions had been in breach of cl. 15 of his employment contract - Perusal and evaluation of his employment contract - Factors to consider - Effect of - Whether he had been aware of that clause - Claimant's defence - Whether could be accepted - Whether his actions had constituted serious misconduct - Whether his actions had warranted his dismissal - Factors to consider - Whether his dismissal had been without just cause and excuse
Ahmad Shah Mohd Hashim v. C & A Corporate Management Consulting Sdn Bhd
(Duncan Sikodol) [2018] 2 ILR 147

Breach of company rules and policies - Theft - Whether the claimant had been guilty of data theft - Factors to consider - Evidence adduced - Effect of - His explanations - Whether could be accepted - What his actions had shown - Whether it had warranted his dismissal - Whether dismissal without just cause or excuse - Industrial Relations Act 1967, ss. 20(3) & 30(5)
Ahmad Shah Mohd Hashim v. C & A Corporate Management Consulting Sdn Bhd
(Duncan Sikodol) [2018] 2 ILR 147

Breach of company rules and policies - Violence - Whether the claimant had been violent and abusive against COW2 - Whether the charge had been proven against him - Evidence adduced - Effect of - Whether the punishment of dismissal had been justified under the circumstances - Factors to consider - Claimant's explanations - Whether acceptable and proven by the evidence - Evaluation of the evidence - Whether his misconduct had been serious - Whether the suffering of grievous bodily harm had been relevant - Whether his dismissal had been carried out with just cause and excuse
Periasamy Munisamy v. Eden Value Sdn Bhd & Makkal Osai Group Of Companies
(Reihana Abd Razak) [2018] 2 ILR 71

Misconduct - Claimant lodging a police report against the shareholder without the management's consent - Whether that, in itself, had constituted a misconduct - Factors to consider - Contents of the police report - Whether it had contained serious allegations - Effect of
Periasamy Munisamy v. Eden Value Sdn Bhd & Makkal Osai Group Of Companies
(Reihana Abd Razak) [2018] 2 ILR 71

Notice of termination - Forced resignation - Whether the claimant had been given an ultimatum of resign or be terminated - Evidence adduced - Effect of - Company admitting to it - Explanations by the company - Whether acceptable
Lai Kok Sean v. Inqpharm Sdn Bhd
(Augustine Anthony) [2018] 2 ILR 122

Performance - Unsatisfactory performance - Claimant allegedly performing poorly - Whether proven by the company - Evidence adduced - Evaluation of - Effect of - Whether the interim review and the final review that had been conducted on him had been carried out fairly - Whether the company's failure to comply with the procedural requirements in the contract of employment had been fatal to its case - Factors to consider - Effect of - Company's explanations - Whether could be accepted - Company's actions towards him - Whether it had been reasonable and professional - Whether dismissal without just cause or excuse - Industrial Relations Act 1967, ss. 20(3) & 30(5)
Lai Kok Sean v. Inqpharm Sdn Bhd
(Augustine Anthony) [2018] 2 ILR 122

Performance - Unsatisfactory performance - Whether the claimant had admitted to it - Evidence adduced - Effect of - Whether a statement of an intention to improve, had amounted to an admission of poor performance
Lai Kok Sean v. Inqpharm Sdn Bhd
(Augustine Anthony) [2018] 2 ILR 122

Performance - Unsatisfactory performance - Whether the claimant's behaviour had made him unsuitable for confirmation - Evidence adduced - Effect of - Whether the documentary evidence had been contrary to this allegation
Lai Kok Sean v. Inqpharm Sdn Bhd
(Augustine Anthony) [2018] 2 ILR 122

Procedural impropriety - Whether the DI conducted had been in breach of the rules of natural justice - Factors to consider - Effect of - Whether it should be relied on by the Industrial Court
Ahmad Shah Mohd Hashim v. C & A Corporate Management Consulting Sdn Bhd
(Duncan Sikodol) [2018] 2 ILR 147

Procedure - Parties - Whether MOGOC had been a proper party to the action - Factors to consider - Minister's reference naming it as a party to the action - Effect of - What the company should have done
Periasamy Munisamy v. Eden Value Sdn Bhd & Makkal Osai Group Of Companies
(Reihana Abd Razak) [2018] 2 ILR 71

Collective Agreement - Article on retirement benefits - Whether there had been non-compliance by the company of the said article in the CA - Factors to consider - Evidence adduced - Effect of
Kesatuan Pekerja-pekerja Airod (KPPA) v. Airod Sdn Bhd
(Eddie Yeo Soon Chye) [2018] 2 ILR 89

Collective Agreement - Article on salary structure and salary adjustment - Whether there had been non-compliance by the company in relation to the said article in the CA - Factors to consider - Evidence adduced - Effect of - Industrial Relations Act 1967, s. 17(2)
Kesatuan Pekerja-pekerja Airod (KPPA) v. Airod Sdn Bhd
(Eddie Yeo Soon Chye) [2018] 2 ILR 89

Terma dan syarat - Pertukaran - Sama ada pertukaran jawatan beliau kepada 'Snr Admin Assistant' merupakan strategi syarikat untuk menyekatnya dari berkesatuan - Faktor-faktor yang harus diambil kira - Keterangan yang dikemukakan - Kesannya
Mohd Jani Kamis lwn. Westports Malaysia Sdn Bhd
(Siti Salwa Musa) [2018] 2 ILR 168

Remedi - Hukuman - Sama ada hukuman yang dijatuhkan oleh syarikat terhadap beliau, walaupun beliau telah melakukan salah laku tersebut, terlalu berat dan tidak berkadar - Faktor-faktor yang harus diambil kira - Kesannya
Mohd Jani Kamis lwn. Westports Malaysia Sdn Bhd
(Siti Salwa Musa) [2018] 2 ILR 168

Kehadiran - Kelewatan - Sama ada YM mempunyai tabiat lewat hadir bekerja - Sama ada berjaya dibuktikan oleh syarikat - Keterangan yang dikemukakan - Kesannya - Penjelasan YM - Sama ada dapat diterima - Tindakan syarikat terhadapnya - Kesannya - Sama ada pembuangan kerja YM telah dilakukan secara adil dan bersebab
Amizan Alias lwn. Syarikat Takaful Malaysia Berhad
(Jamhirah Ali) [2018] 2 ILR 180

Ketidakhadiran - Sama ada YM telah tidak hadir bertugas tanpa kebenaran - Keterangan yang dikemukakan - Kesannya - Sama ada berjaya dibuktikan oleh syarikat terhadapnya - Penjelasan YM - Sama ada dapat diterima - Sama ada pembuangan kerja YM telah dilakukan secara adil dan bersebab
Abdul Malek Gampang lwn. Advance Pact Sdn Bhd
(Gulam Muhiaddeen Abdul Aziz) [2018] 2 ILR 105

Ketidakpatuhan terhadap peraturan dan polisi syarikat - Kecuaian - Sama ada YM telah mengikuti prosedur kecemasan yang terdapat di dalam senarai semak dalam pesawat tersebut - Sama ada pesawat tersebut telah mendarat tanpa roda pendaratan dan mengalami kerosakan - Keterangan yang dikemukakan - Kesannya - Pembelaan YM - Sama ada dapat diterima - Jawatan dan tanggungjawab YM kepada syarikat - Sama ada telah dimungkiri oleh beliau - Faktor-faktor yang harus diambil kira - Kesannya - Sama ada pertuduhan ini berjaya dibuktikan oleh syarikat terhadap beliau - Sama ada pembuangan kerja YM telah dilakukan secara adil dan bersebab - Akta Perhubungan Perusahaan 1967, ss. 20(3) & 30(5)
Shuhaimi Ismail lwn. Weststar Aviation Services Sdn Bhd
(Ahmad Rosli Mohd Sham) [2018] 2 ILR 1

Ketidakpatuhan terhadap peraturan dan polisi syarikat - Kecuaian - Sama ada YM telah patuh kepada polisi syarikat responden dalam menjalankan tugasannya - Keterangan yang dikemukakan - Kesannya - Penelitian surat perlantikan YM - Pembelaan YM - Sama ada dapat diterima - Sama ada tanggungjawab untuk memastikan cek-cek tersebut di "clear" terletak di bahu YM - Sama ada pertuduhan-pertuduhan ini berjaya dibuktikan oleh syarikat responden terhadap beliau - Sama ada pembuangan kerja YM telah dilakukan secara adil dan bersebab - Akta Perhubungan Perusahaan 1967, ss. 20(3) & 30(5)
Wong Jun Chuan lwn. Auto Bavaria (Sime Darby Motor Division Sdn Bhd)
(Sapini Mat Saman) [2018] 2 ILR 6

Ketidakpatuhan terhadap peraturan dan polisi syarikat - Keganasan - Sama ada YM telah berkelakuan tidak sesuai dengan kakitangan bawahannya - Faktor-faktor yang harus diambil kira - Keterangan yang dikemukakan - Penilaiannya - Kesannya - Sama ada pertuduhan ini berjaya dibuktikan oleh syarikat terhadapnya - Pembelaan YM - Sama ada dapat diterima - Sama ada pembuangan kerja YM telah dilakukan secara adil dan bersebab
Noor Fadzillah Hanim Mohd Tarmizi lwn. Telekom Malaysia Berhad
(Siti Salwa Musa) [2018] 2 ILR 60

Ketidakturutan - Sama ada tindakan YM enggan meneruskan dengan sesi temu duga syarikat tergolong kepada tindakan ingkar perintah - Faktor-faktor yang harus diambil kira - Keterangan yang dikemukakan - Kesannya - Sama ada salah laku beliau merupakan salah laku yang serius - Sama ada pembuangan kerja YM telah dilakukan secara adil dan bersebab
Amizan Alias lwn. Syarikat Takaful Malaysia Berhad
(Jamhirah Ali) [2018] 2 ILR 180

Ketidakturutan - Sama ada YM gagal untuk mengikut arahan syarikat untuk tidak menghadiri latihan yang dianjurkan oleh pembekalnya di negara Jerman - Keterangan yang dikemukakan - Kesannya - Penjelasan YM - Sama ada dapat diterima - Sama ada pertuduhan ini berjaya dibuktikan oleh syarikat terhadapnya - Sama ada pembuangan kerja YM telah dilakukan secara adil dan bersebab
Abdul Malek Gampang lwn. Advance Pact Sdn Bhd
(Gulam Muhiaddeen Abdul Aziz) [2018] 2 ILR 105

Salah laku - Sama ada salah laku YM merupakan salah laku yang serius - Sama ada pembuangan kerja YM sepadan dengan salah laku yang dilakukan olehnya - Jawatan yang dipegang oleh YM di dalam syarikat - Apa yang beliau sepatutnya lakukan - Sama ada YM telah dibuang kerja secara adil dan bersebab
Noor Fadzillah Hanim Mohd Tarmizi lwn. Telekom Malaysia Berhad
(Siti Salwa Musa) [2018] 2 ILR 60

Salah laku - Sama ada YM telah campur tangan dengan saksi syarikat sewaktu tempoh penggantungan kerjanya - Faktor-faktor yang harus diambil kira - Keterangan yang dikemukakan - Kesannya - Sama ada pertuduhan ini berjaya dibuktikan oleh syarikat terhadapnya - Sama ada YM telah dibuang kerja secara adil dan bersebab
Noor Fadzillah Hanim Mohd Tarmizi lwn. Telekom Malaysia Berhad
(Siti Salwa Musa) [2018] 2 ILR 60

Salah laku - Sama ada YM telah menerima penajaan pembekalnya tanpa kelulusan syarikat - Faktor-faktor yang harus diambil kira - Keterangan yang dikemukakan - Kesannya - Sama ada pertuduhan ini berjaya dibuktikan oleh syarikat terhadapnya - Sama ada pembuangan kerja YM telah dilakukan secara adil dan bersebab - Akta Perhubungan Perusahaan 1967, ss. 20(3) & 30(5)
Abdul Malek Gampang lwn. Advance Pact Sdn Bhd
(Gulam Muhiaddeen Abdul Aziz) [2018] 2 ILR 105

Salah laku - Sama ada YM telah terlibat di dalam aktiviti Kesatuan walaupun memegang jawatan yang sulit - Faktor-faktor yang harus diambil kira - Keterangan yang dikemukakan - Kesannya - Pembelaan YM - Sama ada dapat diterima - Sama ada salah laku tersebut berjaya dibuktikan oleh syarikat terhadapnya - Sama ada syarikat berjaya membuktikan salah laku tersebut terhadap beliau - Sama ada salah laku tersebut mewajarkan pembuangan kerjanya - Kesannya - Sama ada pembuangan kerja YM telah dilakukan secara adil dan bersebab - Akta Perhubungan Perusahaan 1967, ss. 20(3) & 30(5)
Mohd Jani Kamis lwn. Westports Malaysia Sdn Bhd
(Siti Salwa Musa) [2018] 2 ILR 168

Ketidakturutan - Sama ada YM enggan untuk membuat promosi di luar kedai serta gagal untuk menjalankan promosi-promosi lain sepertimana diarahkan oleh Pengurusnya - Faktor-faktor yang harus diambil kira - Kesannya - Sikap YM - Sama ada ianya merupakan satu salah laku yang serius - Sama ada pertuduhan ini berjaya dibuktikan oleh pihak syarikat terhadapnya - Keterangan yang dikemukakan - Kesannya - Pembelaan YM - Sama ada dapat diterima - Sama ada salah laku ini mewajarkan pembuangan kerjanya - Sama ada pembuangan kerja YM telah dilakukan secara adil dan bersebab
Alipah Salasiah Osman lwn. Farekna Golf & Recreation Sdn Bhd
(Rasidah Chik) [2018] 2 ILR 27

Prestasi kerja - Prestasi kerja yang tidak memuaskan - Sama ada YM telah berusaha mencapai sasaran jualan yang ditetapkan oleh Pengurusnya - Keterangan yang dikemukakan - Kesannya - Pembelaan YM - Sama ada dapat diterima - YM masih disahkan di dalam jawatannya - Kesannya - Sama ada pertuduhan ini telah berjaya dibuktikan oleh pihak syarikat - Sama ada pembuangan kerja YM telah dilakukan secara adil dan bersebab
Alipah Salasiah Osman lwn. Farekna Golf & Recreation Sdn Bhd
(Rasidah Chik) [2018] 2 ILR 27

Salah laku - Sama ada YM enggan dan tidak berkomunikasi dengan Pengurusnya berkenaan kekurangan atau ketiadaan stok di dalam kedai - Faktor-faktor yang harus diambil kira - Keterangan yang dikemukakan - Kesannya - Sama ada pertuduhan ini berjaya dibuktikan oleh pihak syarikat - Sama ada salah laku ini mewajarkan pembuangan kerjanya - Sama ada pembuangan kerja YM telah dilakukan secara adil dan bersebab
Alipah Salasiah Osman lwn. Farekna Golf & Recreation Sdn Bhd
(Rasidah Chik) [2018] 2 ILR 27

Salah laku - Sama ada YM gagal untuk menjaga hubungan baik dengan pelanggan dan rakan sekerjanya - Faktor-faktor yang harus diambil kira - Keterangan yang dikemukakan - Kesannya - Sama ada pertuduhan ini berjaya dibuktikan oleh pihak syarikat - Sama ada salah laku ini mewajarkan pembuangan kerjanya - Sama ada pembuangan kerja YM telah dilakukan secara adil dan bersebab
Alipah Salasiah Osman lwn. Farekna Golf & Recreation Sdn Bhd
(Rasidah Chik) [2018] 2 ILR 27

Kecacatan prosedur - Sama ada prosiding SD telah dijalankan secara teratur dan telah mematuhi prinsip keadilan asasi - Sama ada nota SD adalah tepat - Faktor-faktor yang harus diambil kira - Kesannya
Alipah Salasiah Osman lwn. Farekna Golf & Recreation Sdn Bhd
(Rasidah Chik) [2018] 2 ILR 27

Kesilapan prosedur - Sama ada SD yang dijalankan oleh syarikat adalah teratur dan memenuhi prinsip-prinsip keadilan asasi - Faktor-faktor yang harus diambil kira - Kesannya
Noor Fadzillah Hanim Mohd Tarmizi lwn. Telekom Malaysia Berhad
(Siti Salwa Musa) [2018] 2 ILR 60

Kesilapan prosedur - Sama ada SD yang telah dijalankan telah mematuhi prinsip-prinsip keadilan asasi - Faktor-faktor yang harus diambil kira - Kesannya
Abdul Malek Gampang lwn. Advance Pact Sdn Bhd
(Gulam Muhiaddeen Abdul Aziz) [2018] 2 ILR 105
