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LATEST CASES (ILR Issue 1 of 2012)  



Existence of - Whether contract of employment existed between claimant and company - Evaluation of evidence - Whether claimant's conduct that of a workman/employee - Whether claimant had been brains of company - Claimant's refusal to comply with company's directive - Effect of - EPF and Income tax payments made for claimant - Whether conclusive proof that claimant an employee
Soo Yoke Yew v. Yushiro-Jet Chemicals Sdn Bhd
(Ahmad Rosli Mohd Sham) [2012] 1 ILR 43 cljlaw  labourlaw

Terms and conditions - Transfer - Claimant's contract of employment not having express transfer clause - Whether could be implied - Effect of - Claimant refusing to go on transfer - Whether constituted wilful insubordination - Whether actions and conduct compatible with due or faithful discharge of duty to company - Evidence adduced - Factors to consider - Whether dismissal without just cause and excuse - Industrial Relations Act 1967, s. 20(3)
Mohd Muhayadin Rani v. RM Otomobil Sdn Bhd
(P Iruthayaraj D Pappusamy) [2012] 1 ILR 129 cljlaw  labourlaw


Absenteeism - Claimant transferred from Kemaman to KL but refusing to report for duty - Effect of - Whether claimant absent from work without leave - Factors to consider - Evaluation of evidence - Whether company's decision to dismiss him had been correctly arrived at - Whether dismissal without just cause or excuse - Industrial Relations Act 1967, ss. 20(3) and 30(5) & Employment Act 1955, s. 15(2)
Mohd Muhayadin Rani v. RM Otomobil Sdn Bhd
(P Iruthayaraj D Pappusamy) [2012] 1 ILR 129 cljlaw  labourlaw

Breach of company rules and policies - Theft - Claimant found guilty of theft pursuant to DI - Effect of - Whether respondent company right in dismissing claimant - Whether dismissal was without just cause or excuse - Industrial Relations Act 1967, s. 20(3)
Ismail Hassim v. F & N Coca Cola (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd
(Franklin Goonting) [2012] 1 ILR 172 cljlaw  labourlaw

Constructive dismissal - Demotion - Reasons for demotion - Effect of - Whether claimant made out case for constructive dismissal - Whether an afterthought
Khalil Mohd Damin v. Penerbangan Malaysia
(Hapipah Monel) [2012] 1 ILR 107 cljlaw  labourlaw

Insubordination - Claimant refusing to comply with company's transfer order - Whether his reasons had merit - Whether reasonable conduct - Effect of - Claimant acknowledged that transfer was bona fide exercise of management prerogative - Whether consent of claimant required for transfer to take effect - Whether dismissal without just cause and excuse - Industrial Relations Act 1967
Mohd Muhayadin Rani v. RM Otomobil Sdn Bhd
(P Iruthayaraj D Pappusamy) [2012] 1 ILR 129 cljlaw  labourlaw

Notice of termination - Claimant resigned and subsequently claimed constructive dismissal - Whether claimant voluntarily resigned - Evidence adduced - Evaluation of - Conduct of company
Khalil Mohd Damin v. Penerbangan Malaysia
(Hapipah Monel) [2012] 1 ILR 107 cljlaw  labourlaw

Notice of termination - Oral termination - Whether claimant verbally dismissed - Evidence adduced - Effect of - Whether dismissal with just cause and excuse
Alan Jude Foley v. Partners-In-Quality Consultancy Sdn Bhd
(Hapipah Monel) [2012] 1 ILR 70 cljlaw  labourlaw


Adverse inference - Non-production of material witness - Respondent company failing to call Miss Flora to testify - Whether Miss Flora a material witness - Factors to consider - Effect of - Evidence Act 1950, s. 114 (g)
Alan Jude Foley v. Partners-In-Quality Consultancy Sdn Bhd
(Hapipah Monel) [2012] 1 ILR 70 cljlaw  labourlaw

Witness - Material contradictions and inconsistencies - COW1 as sole witness for respondent company - Whether COW1 credible witness - Factors to consider - Whether reliance could be placed on evidence - Effect of - Factors to consider
Alan Jude Foley v. Partners-In-Quality Consultancy Sdn Bhd
(Hapipah Monel) [2012] 1 ILR 70 cljlaw  labourlaw


Jurisdiction - Threshold jurisdiction - Whether court had jurisdiction to hear case - Claimant unclear on his actual date of dismissal - Effect of - Whether claimant's claim ought to be dismissed - Factors to consider
Khalil Mohd Damin v. Penerbangan Malaysia
(Hapipah Monel) [2012] 1 ILR 107 cljlaw  labourlaw

Jurisdiction - Workman - Whether claimant a workman within ambit of the Industrial Relations Act 1967 - Tests to be applied - Effect of - Functions of claimant - Degree of control exercised by company over claimant - Perusal and evaluation of evidence - Whether the Industrial Court had jurisdiction to hear matter - Effect of -Whether dismissal without just cause and excuse - Industrial Relations Act 1967, ss. 2 and 20(3)
Soo Yoke Yew v. Yushiro-Jet Chemicals Sdn Bhd
(Ahmad Rosli Mohd Sham) [2012] 1 ILR 43 cljlaw  labourlaw

Procedure - Action - Claimant filing suits in the Civil and Industrial Courts - Whether both suits dealt with same cause of action - Whether decision of the Sessions Court final judgment - Whether principle of res judicata applied
Kah Chi Tsi v. Apasniaga Sdn Bhd/Reliance Computers Agency
(Yusob Md Tasir) [2012] 1 ILR 1 cljlaw  labourlaw

Procedure - Action - Representation - Claimant seeking to disqualify company solicitors from representing company - Reasons - Whether potential conflict if solicitors for company continued to represent company - Factors to consider - Industrial Relations Act 1967, s. 29(g) and Legal Profession (Practice and Etiquette) Rules 1978, r. 28(a)
How Boon Ngan v. IGC Industrial Galvanizers Corporation (M) Sdn Bhd
(Ahmad Rosli Mohd Sham) [2012] 1 ILR 180 cljlaw  labourlaw

Procedure - Action - Striking out application - Whether suitable to grant - Factors to consider - Effect of - Whether s. 20(4) of the Industrial Relations Act 1967 applicable - Industrial Relations Act 1967, ss. 20(1) & 20(4)
Kah Chi Tsi v. Apasniaga Sdn Bhd/Reliance Computers Agency
(Yusob Md Tasir) [2012] 1 ILR 1 cljlaw  labourlaw

Procedure - Action - Whether claimant's claim for two different periods and for two different types of claims - Whether claimant had two mutually exclusive courses of action open to him - Evaluation of evidence - Whether principle of estoppel by election applied - Conduct of respondent - Effect of
Kah Chi Tsi v. Apasniaga Sdn Bhd/Reliance Computers Agency
(Yusob Md Tasir) [2012] 1 ILR 1 cljlaw  labourlaw

Remedies - Quantum of damages - Order of certiorari to quash Industrial Court award - Case remitted back to Industrial Court for reassessment of backwages - Claimant under three month probationary period when dismissed - Whether six months backwages awarded to claimant excessive - Reassessment of damages to be awarded - Conduct of respondent company - Whether compensation justified - Industrial Relations Act 1967
Tang Sung Teck v. Farley Mini Market
(Mariah Ahmad) [2012] 1 ILR 168 cljlaw  labourlaw

Remedies - Reinstatement - Refusal of - Claimant only wants monetary claim - Jurisdiction - Threshold jurisdiction - Whether court could exercise its jurisdiction on such case - Industrial Relations Act 1967
Ismail Hassim v. F & N Coca Cola (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd
(Franklin Goonting) [2012] 1 ILR 172 cljlaw  labourlaw

Remedies - Reinstatement - Whether claimant abandoned claim for reinstatement - Whether suitable case to strike out - Whether principles in Kathiravelu's case applied - Effect of
Kah Chi Tsi v. Apasniaga Sdn Bhd/Reliance Computers Agency
(Yusob Md Tasir) [2012] 1 ILR 1 cljlaw  labourlaw



Anggapan bertentangan - Sama ada responden gagal mengemukakan saksi material - Kesannya - Akta Keterangan 1950, s. 114(g)
Malayan Banking Berhad lwn. Tan Heng Kit
(Hamdan Indah) [2012] 1 ILR 151 cljlaw  labourlaw

Inferens bertentangan - Kegagalan syarikat memanggil Encik Y sebagai saksi - Sama ada Encik Y saksi material - Kesannya - Sama ada syarikat menyembunyikan keterangan - Akta Keterangan 1950, s. 114(g)
Dinosmasradi Mohd Hashim lwn. Puspakom Sdn Bhd
(Aslina Joned) [2012] 1 ILR 183 cljlaw  labourlaw


Ketidakturutan - Ketidakpatuhan arahan syarikat - Sama ada arahan dalam lingkungan arahan sah dan munasabah - Sama ada mendedahkan YM kepada bahaya - Sama ada arahan bertulis perlu - Sama ada alasan untuk ketidakpatuhan wajar
Cheng Hua Kok lwn. Titan PP Polymers (M) Sdn Bhd
(Roslan Mat Nor) [2012] 1 ILR 14 cljlaw  labourlaw

Ketidakturutan - Pemaafan - YM dibuang kerja atas alasan ketidakpatuhan arahan syarikat selepas tiga bulan - Sama ada kelewatan dalam pembuangan YM bermaksud pemaafan - Sama ada penjelasan bagi kelewatan munasabah
Cheng Hua Kok lwn. Titan PP Polymers (M) Sdn Bhd
(Roslan Mat Nor) [2012] 1 ILR 14 cljlaw  labourlaw

Ketidakturutan - Sama ada YM telah melakukan perbuatan ingkar perintah - Keterangan yang dikemukakan - Tingkah laku YM dengan responden selama tempoh perkhidmatan YM - Sama ada pembuangan kerja YM dilakukan dengan alasan adil dan bersebab
Malayan Banking Berhad lwn. Tan Heng Kit
(Hamdan Indah) [2012] 1 ILR 151 cljlaw  labourlaw

Ketidakturutan - YM enggan berpindah tempat kerja - Sama ada alasan yang diberikan oleh YM meyakinkan dan dapat diterima - Keterangan yang dikemukakan - Kesannya - Sama ada arahan responden menukar tempat kerja YM mengandungi unsur mala fide - Penilaian keterangan - Tingkah laku responden - Apa yang sepatutnya dilakukan oleh responden - Sama ada pembuangan kerja YM dilakukan tanpa alasan atau sebab adil - Akta Perhubungan Perusahaan 1967, s. 20(3)
Malayan Banking Berhad lwn. Tan Heng Kit
(Hamdan Indah) [2012] 1 ILR 151 cljlaw  labourlaw

Ketidakturutan - YM memakai simpai kain hitam melanggar arahan responden - Perjanjian bersama antara pihak-pihak tidak melarang pemakaian simpai kain hitam - Kesannya - Sama ada Perlembagaan Persekutuan terpakai kepada perjanjian pekerjaan di antara pekerja dan majikan - Faktor-faktor yang harus diambil kira - Matlamat undang-undang perhubungan perusahaan - Perlembagaan Persekutuan perkara 10
Nasid Elias & Ors lwn. TWP Sdn Bhd
(Roslan Mat Nor) [2012] 1 ILR 204 cljlaw  labourlaw

Ketidakturutan - YM memakai simpai kain hitam melanggar arahan responden - YM memakai simpai kain hitam atas arahan kesatuan sekerja - Sama ada tindakan YM mengakibatkan kerugian kepada responden - Sama ada tindakan YM menimbulkan ketidakharmonian kepada perniagaan responden - Sama ada syarikat berjaya membuktikan salahlaku YM - Keterangan yang dikemukakan - Sama ada pembuangan kerja YM tanpa alasan atau sebab yang adil - Akta Perhubungan Perusahaan 1967, s. 20(3)
Nasid Elias & Ors lwn. TWP Sdn Bhd
(Roslan Mat Nor) [2012] 1 ILR 204 cljlaw  labourlaw

Lebihan pekerja - Penyusunan semula syarikat - YM mengalami kecederaan dalam kemalangan - Diberikan kerja ringan selepas mula bertugas - Syarikat kemudian memberhentikan YM atas alasan lebihan pekerja - Sama ada tindakan adil dan sah
Munusamy Muniandi lwn. Linfox M Logistics (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd
(Hamdan Indah) [2012] 1 ILR 57 cljlaw  labourlaw

Pemecatan secara konstruktif - Pertukaran jawatan - Kemudahan kereta diambil balik daripada YM - Sama ada penarikan balik kemudahan kereta merupakan perlanggaran melibatkan asas kontrak - Faktor-faktor yang harus diambil kira - Sama ada pembuangan kerja YM dilakukan tanpa alasan adil atau bersebab - Akta Perhubungan Perusahaan 1967, s. 20(3)
Law Tik Long lwn. Hong Nam Industry (M) Sdn Bhd
(Roslan Mat Nor) [2012] 1 ILR 89 cljlaw  labourlaw

Pemecatan secara konstruktif - Pertukaran jawatan - Sebabnya YM ditukar jawatan - Kesannya - Sama ada responden mempunyai hak untuk menukar YM ke jawatan lain - Terma-terma dan syarat perjanjian perkhidmatan yang ditandatangani antara YM dengan responden - Sama ada YM menerima pertukaran - Sama ada penukaran jawatan YM suatu perlanggaran melibatkan asas kontrak - Niat responden - Faktor-faktor yang harus diambil kira - Sama ada pembuangan kerja YM dilakukan tanpa alasan adil atau bersebab - Akta Perhubungan Perusahaan 1967, s. 20(3)
Law Tik Long lwn. Hong Nam Industry (M) Sdn Bhd
(Roslan Mat Nor) [2012] 1 ILR 89 cljlaw  labourlaw

Salahlaku - Kandungan emel YM menuduh syarikat tunduk kepada tekanan pihak ketiga - Sama ada dibuktikan oleh YM - Keterangan yang dikemukakan - Akta Perhubungan Perusahaan 1967
Dinosmasradi Mohd Hashim lwn. Puspakom Sdn Bhd
(Aslina Joned) [2012] 1 ILR 183 cljlaw  labourlaw

Salahlaku - YM menghantar mel elektronik kepada Ketua Setiausaha Negara - YM dituduh melanggar Company's Code of Ethics and Business Practice - Sama ada berjaya dibuktikan oleh syarikat - Keterangan yang dikemukakan - Sama ada tindakan YM menjejaskan hubungan antara syarikat dan Kementerian Pengangkutan dan memberi kesan negatif kepada Perjanjian Konsesi antara kedua-dua pihak - Sama ada pembuangan kerja YM dilakukan dengan alasan adil dan berasas - Akta Perhubungan Perusahaan 1967
Dinosmasradi Mohd Hashim lwn. Puspakom Sdn Bhd
(Aslina Joned) [2012] 1 ILR 183 cljlaw  labourlaw


Kesilapan prosedur - YM gagal menimbulkan secara spesifik isu berkenaan cara siasatan dalaman dijalankan sama ada di dalam plidingnya atau semasa perbicaraan - Sama ada siasatan dalaman dijalankan dengan teratur atau menyalahi prinsip keadilan asasi
Nasid Elias & Ors lwn. TWP Sdn Bhd
(Roslan Mat Nor) [2012] 1 ILR 204 cljlaw  labourlaw


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