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LATEST CASES (ILR Issue 12 of 2014)



Damages - Employment - Aircraft maintenance engineer employed by company to maintain aircrafts under letter of appointment - Dissatisfaction over engineer’s performance - Termination of engineer’s services - Allegations that engineer failed to perform duties expected of him under letter of employment - Whether complaints proved - Claim for liquidated and damages - Whether substantiated
Upapayu Management Sdn Bhd v. Ramaloo Sivanjalam
(Lim Chong Fong JC) [2014] 4 ILR 488 cljlaw labourlaw


Abandonment - Whether the claimant had abandoned his job - Evidence adduced - Effect of - Whether the claimant had done what had reasonably been expected of him - Claimant’s conduct
Kee Chin Won v. Soft & Sweet Karaoke Lounge
(Eddie Yeo Soon Chye) [2014] 4 ILR 696 cljlaw labourlaw

Absenteeism - Whether the claimant had been absent without leave - Evidence adduced - Evaluation of - Whether proven by the company - Claimant’s explanations - Whether acceptable - Whether the company had been justified in dismissing him - Factors to consider - Effect of - Whether dismissal without just cause and excuse - Industrial Relations Act 1967, ss. 20(3) & 30(5)
Mohd Faizal Hashim v. Renesas Semiconductor KL Sdn Bhd [Formerly Known As NEC Semiconductors (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd]
(Eddie Yeo Soon Chye) [2014] 4 ILR 674 cljlaw labourlaw

Absenteeism - Whether the claimant had been absent without leave - Evidence adduced - Evaluation of - Whether proven by the company - Conduct of the company towards him - Whether the company had been justified in dismissing him - Factors to consider - Effect of - Whether dismissal without just cause and excuse - Industrial Relations Act 1967, ss. 20(3) & 30(5)
Kee Chin Won v. Soft & Sweet Karaoke Lounge
(Eddie Yeo Soon Chye) [2014] 4 ILR 696 cljlaw labourlaw

Misconduct - Claimant allegedly intentionally refusing to conduct measurements on a set of parts - Whether proven by the company - Evidence adduced - Effect of
Mohd Faizal Hashim v. Renesas Semiconductor KL Sdn Bhd [Formerly Known As NEC Semiconductors (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd]
(Eddie Yeo Soon Chye) [2014] 4 ILR 674 cljlaw labourlaw

Misconduct - Claimants refusing to leave the company’s premises - Whether the claimants had gone on illegal strike - Effect of - Company suffering losses and loss of reputation - Company’s actions towards the claimants - Whether it had been reasonable - Factors to consider - Conduct of the claimants for those five days - Whether dismissals with just cause and excuse
Zuraimi Johari & Ors v. IGC Logistics Sdn Bhd
(Anna Ng Fui Choo) [2014] 4 ILR 657 cljlaw labourlaw

Misconduct - Claimants refusing to work for five days until their demands had been met - Whether the claimants had gone on strike - Whether the strike had been legal - Factors to consider - Effect of - Whether proven by the company - Evidence adduced - Effect of - Company serving refreshments and food - Whether the company had condoned the claimants’ actions - Effect of - Whether dismissals without just cause and excuse
Zuraimi Johari & Ors v. IGC Logistics Sdn Bhd
(Anna Ng Fui Choo) [2014] 4 ILR 657 cljlaw labourlaw

Misconduct - Strike - Whether the claimants had been involved in an illegal strike - Factors to consider - Evidence adduced - Effect of - Whether misconduct proven by the company - Whether the company had discharged its burden of proof
Zuraimi Johari & Ors v. IGC Logistics Sdn Bhd
(Anna Ng Fui Choo) [2014] 4 ILR 657 cljlaw labourlaw

Misconduct - Sexual harassment - Claimant accused of sexually harassing his female colleagues - Whether proven by the company - Evidence adduced - Quality of the company’s evidence - Company failing to adduce any corroborative evidence - Effect of - Delay of 24 months in bringing the charges - Whether it had an effect on the company’s case - What the company should have done - Effect of - Conduct of the company towards the claimant - What it had shown - Whether dismissal without just cause or excuse - Industrial Relations Act 1967, ss. 20(3) & 30(5)
Lim Pin Yeong v. Sunrider International (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd
(P Iruthayaraj D Pappusamy) [2014] 4 ILR 643 cljlaw labourlaw

Retrenchment - Redundancy - Claimant retrenched - Reasons for the same - Whether it had been acceptable - Whether the company had been facing financial losses - Evidence adduced - Effect of - Whether dismissal without just cause or excuse - Industrial Relations Act 1967, ss. 20(3) & 30(5)
Bakhtiar Mohamed Amin v. Taiyo Resort (KL) Berhad
(Eddie Yeo Soon Chye) [2014] 4 ILR 561 cljlaw labourlaw

Retrenchment - Redundancy - Exercise of management’s prerogative - Whether the company had exercised it bona fide - Factors to consider - Evidence adduced - Effect of
Bakhtiar Mohamed Amin v. Taiyo Resort (KL) Berhad
(Eddie Yeo Soon Chye) [2014] 4 ILR 561 cljlaw labourlaw

Summary dismissal - Claimant denied access to the premises without warning - Whether the company by its actions had indicated an intention to no longer be bound by the contract of employment - Factors to consider - Claimant’s reaction - Whether reasonable
Kee Chin Won v. Soft & Sweet Karaoke Lounge
(Eddie Yeo Soon Chye) [2014] 4 ILR 696 cljlaw labourlaw


Charges - Whether charge 1 had been properly drafted - Factors to consider - Effect of
Mohd Faizal Hashim v. Renesas Semiconductor KL Sdn Bhd [Formerly Known As NEC Semiconductors (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd]
(Eddie Yeo Soon Chye) [2014] 4 ILR 674 cljlaw labourlaw

Charges - Whether the charges brought against the claimant had been valid - Factors to consider - Effect of
Lim Pin Yeong v. Sunrider International (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd
(P Iruthayaraj D Pappusamy) [2014] 4 ILR 643 cljlaw labourlaw

Procedural impropriety - Whether the rules of natural justice had been complied with by the Inquiry Panel - Factors to consider - Effect of - Whether the panel’s decision had been improper and perverse
Mohd Faizal Hashim v. Renesas Semiconductor KL Sdn Bhd [Formerly Known As NEC Semiconductors (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd]
(Eddie Yeo Soon Chye) [2014] 4 ILR 674 cljlaw labourlaw


Contract of service - Termination - Aircraft maintenance engineer employed by company to maintain aircrafts under letter of appointment - Dissatisfaction over engineer’s performance - Termination of engineer’s services - Allegations that engineer failed to perform duties expected of him under letter of employment - Whether engineer fairly dismissed as employee
Upapayu Management Sdn Bhd v. Ramaloo Sivanjalam
(Lim Chong Fong JC) [2014] 4 ILR 488 cljlaw labourlaw


Jurisdiction - Company seeking to stay the proceedings or adjourn the matter sine die - Whether the Industrial Court possessed the jurisdiction to do so - Perusal of the Industrial Relations Act and its provisions - Intention of the Industrial Relations Act - Whether the Industrial Court ought to allow the company’s application - Factors to consider - Effect of - What the Industrial Court ought to do
Kanapathi Kuppusamy v. Platinum Glove Industries Sdn Bhd
(Eddie Yeo Soon Chye) [2014] 4 ILR 515 cljlaw labourlaw

Procedure - Pleadings - Claimant seeking for payment of retrenchment benefits - Claimant failing to plead it - Effect of - Whether it ought to be allowed - Factors to consider - Employment (Termination and Lay Off Benefits) Regulations 1980
Bakhtiar Mohamed Amin v. Taiyo Resort (KL) Berhad
(Eddie Yeo Soon Chye) [2014] 4 ILR 561 cljlaw labourlaw

Procedure - Reliefs claimed by the parties in the Industrial Court and the Sessions Court respectively - Whether two separate and distinct matters - Factors to consider - Effect of - Whether the company had acted within the spirit and intent of the Industrial Relations Act 1967
Kanapathi Kuppusamy v. Platinum Glove Industries Sdn Bhd
(Eddie Yeo Soon Chye) [2014] 4 ILR 515 cljlaw labourlaw

Remedies - Compensation - Backwages - Whether the claimant had been entitled to 24 months - Factors to consider - Age of claimant at the point of dismissal - What would be a reasonable sum to award - Industrial Relations Act 1967, Second Schedule
Lim Pin Yeong v. Sunrider International (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd
(P Iruthayaraj D Pappusamy) [2014] 4 ILR 643 cljlaw labourlaw

Remedies - Compensation - Calculation of backwages and compensation in lieu of reinstatement - Whether the claimant’s salary could take into account the commissions and allowances earned by him - Factors to consider
Kee Chin Won v. Soft & Sweet Karaoke Lounge
(Eddie Yeo Soon Chye) [2014] 4 ILR 696 cljlaw labourlaw

Remedies - Compensation in lieu of reinstatement - Claimant past his retirement age at the hearing of this matter - Whether he had been eligible for compensation under this head - Factors to consider - Effect of
Lim Pin Yeong v. Sunrider International (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd
(P Iruthayaraj D Pappusamy) [2014] 4 ILR 643 cljlaw labourlaw


Collective Agreement - Article on payment of bonuses - What had constituted “net profit” - Whether the evidence of the respondent witnesses could be accepted - Factors to consider - Perusal of the article - Effect of - Whether there had been noncompliance by the respondent
Kesatuan Eksekutif Airod Sdn Bhd v. Airod Sdn Bhd
(Susila Sithamparam) [2014] 4 ILR 630 cljlaw labourlaw

Collective Agreement - Article on payment of bonuses - Whether the affected workman had fulfilled the requirements of the article - Factors to consider - Effect of - Whether there had been noncompliance by the respondent - Effect of
Kesatuan Eksekutif Airod Sdn Bhd v. Airod Sdn Bhd
(Susila Sithamparam) [2014] 4 ILR 630 cljlaw labourlaw


Negligence - Damages - Aircraft maintenance engineer employed by company to maintain aircrafts under letter of appointment - Dissatisfaction over engineer’s performance - Termination of engineer’s services - Allegations that engineer failed to perform duties expected of him under letter of employment - Whether complaints proved - Whether engineer negligent in carrying out maintenance duties
Upapayu Management Sdn Bhd v. Ramaloo Sivanjalam
(Lim Chong Fong JC) [2014] 4 ILR 488 cljlaw labourlaw


Collective Agreement - Article on increment or promotion - Whether the union’s proposal could be accepted - Factors to consider - Past practice of the respondent company - Effect of - Whether employees affected by the past practice of the respondent company should be affected by the Court’s ruling here - Industrial Relations Act 1967, s. 30(5)
Paper And Paper Products Manufacturing Employees Union v. Box-Pak (Malaysia) Bhd
(Susila Sithamparam) [2014] 4 ILR 572 cljlaw labourlaw

Collective Agreement - Article on meal allowance - Whether it ought to be granted to shift employees - Factors to consider - Whether granted by employers in similar industries - Whether the respondent company had the financial solvency to make such payments - Effect of
Paper And Paper Products Manufacturing Employees Union v. Box-Pak (Malaysia) Bhd
(Susila Sithamparam) [2014] 4 ILR 572 cljlaw labourlaw

Collective Agreement - Article on retirement and retirement benefits - Whether it ought to be granted - Factors to consider - Practice of employers in similar industries - Financial capacity of the respondent company - Effect of
Paper And Paper Products Manufacturing Employees Union v. Box-Pak (Malaysia) Bhd
(Susila Sithamparam) 572

Collective Agreement - Article on salary structure - What had been acceptable - Factors to consider - Effect of - The Minimum Wages Order 2012
Paper And Paper Products Manufacturing Employees Union v. Box-Pak (Malaysia) Bhd
(Susila Sithamparam) [2014] 4 ILR 572 cljlaw labourlaw



Syarikat menolong menubuhkan dan memberi sokongan kepada kesatuan sekerja dalaman - Sama ada tindakan syarikat tersebut bercanggah dengan peruntukan s. 4(3) Akta Perhubungan Perusahaan 1967 - Sama ada kesatuan sekerja dalaman tersebut dipengaruhi oleh syarikat - Faktor-faktor yang harus diambil kira - Keterangan yang dikemukakan - Kesannya - Penilaian peruntukan Akta tersebut - Kesannya - Akta Perhubungan Perusahaan 1967, s. 4(3)
Kesatuan Sekerja Industri Elektronik Wilayah Selatan Semenanjung Malaysia lwn. GES Manufacturing Services (M) Sdn Bhd
(Roslan Mat Nor) [2014] 4 ILR 526 cljlaw labourlaw


Prosidur - Tindakan - Semakan kehakiman difailkan di Mahkamah Tinggi - Sama ada prosiding di mahkamah ini bertindih dengan prosiding semakan kehakiman - Faktor-faktor yang harus diambil kira - Kesannya
Kesatuan Sekerja Industri Elektronik Wilayah Selatan Semenanjung Malaysia lwn. GES Manufacturing Services (M) Sdn Bhd
(Roslan Mat Nor) [2014] 4 ILR 526 cljlaw labourlaw


Notis penamatan - Perletakan jawatan secara paksa - Sama ada YM dipaksa meletak jawatan - Keterangan yang dikemukakan - Kesannya - Penjelasan syarikat responden - Sama ada dapat diterima - Tiada pertuduhan yang dikenakan oleh responden terhadap YM - Kesannya - Sama ada pembuangan kerja YM telah dilakukan secara adil dan bersebab - Akta Perhubungan Perusahaan 1967, ss. 20(3) & 30(5)
Loh Lai Fong lwn. London Biscuits Berhad
(Sapini Mat Saman) [2014] 4 ILR 503 cljlaw labourlaw


Kehadiran - Kehadiran yang tidak memuaskan - Sama ada berjaya dibuktikan oleh syarikat - Keterangan yang dikemukakan - Kesannya - Penjelasan YM - Sama ada dapat diterima - Tindakan syarikat - Apa yang syarikat seharusnya lakukan - Sama ada pembuangan kerja YM telah dilakukan secara adil dan bersebab
Abas Nordin lwn. Tint Auto (M) Sdn Bhd
(Hamdan Indah) [2014] 4 ILR 612 cljlaw labourlaw

Ketidakturutan - Sama ada YM gagal untuk mengikut arahan syarikat - Keterangan yang dikemukakan - Kesannya - Sama ada berjaya dibuktikan oleh syarikat - Apa yang syarikat seharusnya lakukan - Sama ada pembuangan kerja YM telah dilakukan secara adil dan bersebab
Abas Nordin lwn. Tint Auto (M) Sdn Bhd
(Hamdan Indah) [2014] 4 ILR 612 cljlaw labourlaw

Prestasi kerja - Prestasi kerja yang tidak memuaskan - Sama ada berjaya dibuktikan oleh syarikat - Keterangan yang dikemukakan - Kesannya - Penjelasan YM - Sama ada dapat diterima - Faktor-faktor yang harus diambil kira - Kesannya - Apa yang syarikat seharusnya lakukan - Sama ada tindakan syarikat berunsur mala fide - Kesannya - Sama ada pembuangan kerja YM telah dilakukan secara adil dan bersebab - Akta Perhubungan Perusahaan 1967, ss. 20(3) & 30(5)
Abas Nordin lwn. Tint Auto (M) Sdn Bhd
(Hamdan Indah) [2014] 4 ILR 612 cljlaw labourlaw


Ketiadaan - Sama ada merupakan suatu perlanggaran prinsip keadilan asasi - Faktor-faktor yang harus diambil kira - Kesannya
Abas Nordin lwn. Tint Auto (M) Sdn Bhd
(Hamdan Indah) [2014] 4 ILR 612 cljlaw labourlaw


Pekerjaan - Penamatan - Perlantikan Professor Madya sebagai Timbalan Dekan oleh universiti - Sama ada perlantikan berdasarkan kontrak - Sama ada perlantikan boleh ditamatkan pada bila-bila masa - Sama ada penamatan sebagai Timbalan Dekan menjejaskan perlantikan sebagai Profesor Madya - Sama ada Timbalan Dekan mempunyai harapan sah bahawa jawatannya akan terus kekal sehingga tamat tempoh kontraknya sebagai Profesor Madya - Sama ada seorang penjawat awam - Sama ada penamatan perkhidmatan sah
Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka lwn. Prof Madya Md Noah Jamal
(Abu Samah Nordin HMR, Zaharah Ibrahim HMR & Abdul Aziz Rahim HMR) [2014] 4 ILR 473 cljlaw labourlaw

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